Dear All,

The Caurem Adivasi Mukti Sangram appeals to you to support the struggle of
the caurem villagers by signing on the petition below:

Their Demands are :

1)State Repression of Adivasis must stop immediately and we should be
allowed to live with dignity. We should be allowed to reclaim economic
activities in our lands and illegal ore transportation should be stopped
2) Sabaji Shetye, Superintendent of Sub- Jail Sada and Bhanudas Pednekar,
Assistant Superintendent of Sub- Jail Sada be suspended immediately.
3) An independent enquiry be ordered into why the police failed to register
a FIR in violation of the provisions of the Criminal procedure Code and to
investigate into the murderous assault while in Judicial Custody
4) Ravindra Velip be given adequate compensation by the prison authorities
for failure to protect him while he was in custody.

I have endorsed this appeal, and request you to sign the Petition and
circulate it on other forums that you know about.

Thanks and Regards
Augusto Pinto

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