18 Aug: Herald. In 2011, Selma Carvalho sat with Thomas Joaquim Lobo, then
102 years old and listened to him talk about his life. Thomas was born in
1909 in the small village of Parra. Nothing auspicious marked his birth
which foretold of the incredible journey which lay ahead. As the 20th
century opened, Goa was economically devastated. Whether a son of the soil
or born into privilege, almost every family was discreetly impoverished,
sustained only by an unwavering faith in God. "Money was very, very tight,"
Thomas volunteers candidly. Thomas, who spent much of his adult life in
Kenya, passed away in June 2013, a few weeks short of his 104th birthday.
For a six minute video clip in which he (and his daughter) talk about life
in Goa, moving to Bombay in the 1920s and living in remote districts of
Kenya, http://bit.ly/IZNDhX

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