After pushing a lot of propaganda and elaborate instructions with special Covid 
government site and glitches corrected App, I was surprised to see live on TV 
the chaotic plight of senior citizens and patients in hospitals shown in Mumbai 
and Bangalore. The PM was the first patient vaccinated in Delhi leading from 
the front. But we have a minister getting vaccination organized in his 
house!The government though it preaches, does not bother about the comman man 
too much! The daily shooting up high price of petrol and LPG, where small 
business is impossible to survive, the transportation costs serverly crippling 
movement in these Covid days, the kitchen budget sending them back to the grass 
eating days? Starvation deaths in India were already at unacceptable levells 
compared worldwide. Phase one of vaccination was far below the target. Vaccine 
diplomacy, praise fom other nations, the biggest cricket stadium, highest 
statue, PMs photo and Bhagwad Gita in space etc must not be at the cost of the 
common man. The PM wants to quickly build his bigger cake to be able to give 
the poor a slice. How long must he suffer and what use if he is in the grave 
before that?
We have often seen headlines of Jungle Raj in UP and have witnessed trigger 
happy police lodging FIRs with ridiculous charges like attempt to murder in 
routine road accidents, and sedition in criticism of government. Some courts 
have been pulling up the police, but by and large state patronage prevails. We 
have Reliance Jio cornering most of the spectrum auctioned by the governemnt 
and Adani group increasingly running airports and harbours, coal mining, India 
Inc and merger of banks and the big  powerful well organised and funded BJP 
election machine wanting to win every election, with every trick in the book 
and pulling out all their big guns right from PM to overwhelm the opposition. 
Protests by citizens and stake holders have no meaning in our democracy all 
subject to the enforced grand vision? The farmers agitation surviving for over 
100 days and counting, not yet crushed, have now reportedly  decided to enter 
the political space by deciding to canvas in election due states against the 
"decisive" BJP government. The torrent of mainstream and social media 
propaganda will be something to witness. In this scenario, who will be able to 
counter the facts versus fiction and truth versus hype?

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