Are we heading for one nation, one government, one culture,one religion,one 
election, one supreme leader? The party with a difference seems to be bereft of 
ethics, morality, honesty and is accepting tainted politicians and defectors 
with welcome arms and garlands. Power by hook or by crook. The GFP and 
independents who in fact are responsible for the survival of the BJP in Goa, 
have been thrown out after use! The people who have elected their 
representatives and also the BJP loyalists and cadre feel betrayed. What is 
going on in Karnataka is another example. Politicians cannot be trusted and 
must be protected from poaching enconsed in five star hotels. Democracy which 
is discussion and debate is replaced by strong arm tactics. But all this is 
apparently being done to a plan, where BJP/RSS want to rule in absolute power 
with all Opposition decimated. What worries me is the historically proven 
"Haste makes Waste" and "Absolute power corrupts Absolutely".  A BJP MLA's 
daughter has to ask for police protection from a court as she feels threathened 
by her father /family for marrying out of caste. The party does not censure the 
MLA or take any action and appear to be proponents of moral policing. With a 
partisan police, we have umpteen examples of what the law will take its course 
means. A  politico religious power is fanatically the most dangerous!

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