All over-40s should take cholesterol-busting statins, says top surgeon –

Sir Magdi Yacoub carried out more heart transplants than anyone
     elseHe said the benefits of taking the drugs ‘massively’ outweigh the
     risksStatins are the most-widely prescribed drugs in Britain 

By Fiona


Everyone over the age of 40 should take
cholesterol-busting statins, an eminent heart surgeon says

Everyone over the
age of 40 should take cholesterol-busting statins, an eminent heart surgeon

Professor Sir Magdi
Yacoub, who has carried out more heart transplants than anyone else, said the
benefits of taking the controversial drugs ‘massively’ outweigh the risks and
to not make them more widely available is ‘lunacy’.

Sir Magdi, professor
of cardiothoracic surgery at Imperial College London, also believes statins
should be available without a prescription.

Statins are the
most-widely prescribed drugs in Britain
and are credited with saving thousands of lives a year by preventing heart
attacks and strokes. 

But a row is raging
about their side-effects.

A report published
in the British Medical Journal said the cholesterol-lowering drugs, taken by
eight million Britons, cause side-effects such as liver and kidney disease and
diabetes in one in five patients.

Parts of the article
were withdrawn last week, following repeated criticism from an Oxford
University academic that the risks had been exaggerated up to 20-fold.

Sir Rory Collins
said the figure is one in 100 and described the published claims as a ‘huge
error’ that will ‘cause unnecessary deaths’ by discouraging patients from
taking the medicine. 

Now, Sir Magdi has
said that stopping taking the drugs would be disastrous.

He told BBC Radio
4’s Today programme on Saturday that he found the row very upsetting, adding:
‘It is almost certainly going to result in people not taking statins and that
is a major worry to many of us because the evidence is overwhelming, the lower
the cholesterol, the healthier you are and the longer you will live.


 ‘Not only that, it prevents heart attacks and
strokes but also cancer, dementia. So not to take statins is a disaster.’ 

He then called for
the drugs to be easier to access – and for more people to take them.

Sir Magdi said he believed statins should be
available from chemists without prescription and that everyone over 40 should
take them.

He said that
side-effects pale into insignificance when compared with the benefits and ‘not
to make use of what we have is lunacy’.


Statins are the most-widely prescribed drugs in Britain
and are credited with saving thousands of lives a year by preventing heart
attacks and stroke

Sir Magdi said: ‘The
drug has  been around for 25 years or so and  we do know the
long-term results  and exactly what it does biochemically.

‘We know exactly how
to monitor any complications which are very minor compared to the benefits so I
don’t see the problem.’

Currently, the
prescription of statins is based on health, rather than age, with anyone judged
to have a 20 per cent risk of a heart attack in the next decade offered them.

But millions more
could soon take the pills, as the cut-off is expected to be lowered to 10 per

Some doctors have questioned the mass-medication
of essentially healthy people and say there are better ways of spending NHS

Dr Mike Knapton, a
GP and associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said: ‘I am
not sure we are yet in a position where everybody over a certain age should be
prescribed a statin.

‘Even if in theory it would have public health
benefits it could turn life into a disease.



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