The CCP Commissioner Sanjit Rodrigues,
Corporation of the City of Panaji,

Sub: Temporary Traffic Roundabout near Don Bosco High School, Panjim.

Dear Sir,

There is a Temporary Traffic Roundabout which has been placed near Don
Bosco High School, Panjim, to control the flow of traffic.

However, far from facilitating the movement of vehicles, this
roundabout which is placed in a wrong location is a hindrance which is
causing all sorts of problems to motorists.

Outside the Don Bosco High School entrance, the main road splits into
curved/ angled side roads and trying to take a right turn from the
roundabout is becoming a difficult if not a nightmarish experience. To
prevent the driving difficulties, one can see many vehicles cutting
across the roundabout instead of going around it leading to severe
confusion along this angled intersection.

No proper study, planning has been done before placing this roundabout
in its present location. The presence of this Roundabout can endanger
the lives of others and lead to accidents. As such, you are requested
to look into the matter seriously, and to take appropriate action as
may be required to facilitate the smooth flow of traffic in this area.

Thanking You,
Yours sincerely
Bharati Heble
Councillor, Ward 13

C.C to
1. Shri Manohar Parrikar, Hon’ ble Chief Minister of Goa and Panaji city MLA
2. Mayor Vaidehi Naik
3. SP Traffic
4. Director, R.T.O

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