Dear Goanetters,
Thank you very much for your interest in and appreciation of my article 'Days 
of the Bullock Cart in Goa'.
Sorry for the delay in acknowledging your accolades on Goanet. I am very happy 
that you liked the article. Its nice to receive encouragement. Thank you all 
for your suggestions.   
Well, those were the good days
and simple ways.
There was once a Goa
of a different era,
When will come such another. 
I have a blog where, sometimes when time permits, I post articles, poems, 
photographs or just thoughts. Whenever you find the time, at your leisure (no 
pressure) and if you are interested in reading them, please click on the 
following link:
Once again, thanks to all who wrote expressing their genuine appreciation, 
support and encouragement. 'Chodd ani Chodd Deu Borem Koruum'.
Best regards
Tony Fernandes
Author of:
Poems and Short Stories

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