Way back, about a couple of years ago I attended a talk at the Goa Science
Centre where the main speaker was an official from C-DAC, (Centre for
Advanced Development and Computing.) I was pretty impressed by the work
being done by the Centre in terms of Indian languages. At home that
evening, I visited their web site and registered for a Konkani software CD.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and months into years, but the CD
refused to materialize. So I gave up hope and even put the matter out of my

Four days ago, to my surprise, I got a mail from some guy in C-DAC  asking
me for my evaluation of the CD. I promptly replied that I had waited and
waited and had given hope of ever getting the CD. I thought that would be
that. I was again surprised the next day after that when the same gent
asked me for my postal address which I supplied by return mail. And lo,
behold, the next day after that there was a courier parcel at home. The CD
had come at last.

A pleasant surprise is that you can install either Devnagri or Romi. I
think C-DAC has chosen well to stay away from the script controversy. The
base on which this software lies is Open Office 3.1 and it has a whole lot
of software bundled with it. This CD comes to you without any payment

So whatever your flavour of Konknni, Romi or Nagri, go for it.

This whole business has got me wondering about the ajeeb ways of Gorment


** "Tony de Sa" < tonydesa at gmail dot com > **

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