Message: 5           Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2022 19:34:48 -0400

My  surname ios only 11 words (Alpha) long but most of the time I have to
spell it out ...How can a fellow have have a name
Ramakrishnamuruganmalikarjun.   If he wanted to use all the letters in the
alphabet he should have been more economical to have fewer <<<R>>>>:the Q &
X could be left out

No I agree with you the Provident Fund fellows have got 3 3 options

One : Tell him or her to legally change his name

Two  Get an assistant called  Volodymyr Zelenskyy  to  assist him

Three If  R & V both disagree(both are stubborn fellows l send  both to be
PUTIN minimum of One decade in SIBERIA  cool down Only one barrel of


Finally Finally No Manglorians should be allowed to use Goan names
specially  Francis , Xavier  and derivatives like FURSO  Franskine Franky v

I am referring to  message

Message-ID: <>\

No problem for *Ramakrishnamuruganmalikarjun. **A name 23 letters long*

Provident Fund software does not recognise surnames with accents


PS By closing my eyes I got Rama Krishna then I was forced to open my eyes

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