The Kamikaze Lizard and the midday meal

Recently, the news papers reported that a lizard was found in the midday
meal supplied to the students of a Canacona school The only fortunate thing
about the incident was that none was ill after consuming the lizard
infected food. This is by no means the first instance where in foreign
organisms have been found in the midday meal.

When this was brought up in the Assembly, the Chief Minister, Manohar
Parrikar agreed that the food supplied to the students for the midday meal
was substandard and also reiterated that the rice supplied for the purpose
of midday meals was not fit for human consumption. He promised that come
November, there will be drastic changes for the good.

As a former head, I have always supported the midday meal scheme. I have
seen in the course of my career, scores of children fainting in school
because they did not have breakfast before coming to school. The reasons
for this are many. Children dashing to school because they are late,
parents not at home at breakfast time, parents too lazy to make breakfast,
FAMILIES TOO POOR TO AFFORD THE MEAL - Shocking but true in modern Goa.

The midday meal provided an incentive to the students from the poorer
sections of society to attend school and so the absentee rate declined
dramatically specially among the economically weaker sections. Many
children would take a part of their meal to their home to share with
siblings. Food that was not distributed (I do not say leftovers) was also
given to needy children/ families.

The problem in Goa is manifold. The cooking for the midday meals is
contracted out to the self help groups. This was seen as a means of
empowering women and of course like all else in Goa, had its own overtones
in vote bank politics. Unfortunately, these self help groups have not been
able to maintain standards of hygiene that are requisite in such an
enterprise. The other factor is the dietary preferences of our children.
Our children simply do not eat pulao at 11.00 a.m. They would be much more
happier eating a batata  vadda or a samosa. But the scheme of midday meals
decrees that they should have a balanced meal. This where the conflict
arises. Also the menu is repeated in the course of the week which causes

CM Parrikar has spoken of setting up modern kitchens in some of the primary

What I would suggest is the idea of having Taluka Kitchens for the scheme.
If food is cooked centrally in the Taluka in an ultra modern kitchen, a few
delivery vans could deliver hot meals to each school in the taluka.
Supervision at the central kitchen would keep the Kamikaze lizards,
cockroaches and other creatures at bay. Also standards of hygiene and
cleanliness would be maintained. Moreover with the right team of
nutritionists and culinary experts the right type of diet would be ensured.
This is what I would expect of our IITian CM.


** "Tony de Sa" < tonydesa at gmail dot com > **

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