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The Not So Curious Case Of Babu Kavlekar

Babu Kavlekar has won the Quepem seat in the last two consecutive elections and 
he has been happy even though he has not been included in the elite select 
power bastion of the Congress, who obviously pack the power to loot, shoot and 
scoot. Babu is young, energetic and charming, a crown prince in all respects 
and aspects of Goan politics, learning the tricks of the trade under the 
guidance of the two most powerful politicians of South Goa.

With the blessings of the two mighty politicians, Babu has been sitting on a 
gold mine called GIDC for the last ten years as it's chairman, even though he 
lacks all the required qualifications but that does not matter to the Congress 
nor the BJP in Goa as, Chairmanship's and President-ship's are dolled out to 
any Tom, Dick and Harry as long as they can keep them quite to enjoy the loot 
and let loot political philosophy.

It is absolutely disgusting but not surprising to note that most of the Public 
Corporations and Public Domains are running in the RED. What exactly can be 
expected of the unqualified politicians who have acquired their bragging  
rights only because of their money power or political clout and have no 
expertise or knowledge of the field that they are suppose to run ?  Like, what 
can we expect from an eighth pass Education Minister or even less educated PWD 
Minister or for that matter the former Tourism Minister who is no better than 
his "bete noire".

Bubu Kavlekar has been running the roost at the GIDC for far too long and now 
his infamy has transcended all limits of reasons and understanding. It's now on 
record that even his relatives have illegally benefited from his political 
clout and it was not too long ago that his Godfathers had nominated him to the 
PAC committee, a logic that is beyond reason and thought and just impossible to 
understand and digest. How can a person who strongly supports SEZ and still 
promoting it through IDC and is alleged to be involved in a number of scams 
related to SEZ be on a committee that's investigating the wrong doing or 
misappropriations of the very SEZ ?

Babu Kavlekar looks to be in a quandary at the moment, as both the previous 
elections he rode to success on the backs of the ST/SC/BC class who mostly tend 
to control the outcome of elections in Quepem and his alleged involvement and 
support against the ST/SC/BC in the Bali fiasco looks to be the final nail in 
his political coffin, to make matters worse at his power bastion, the Naqueri 
Panchayat, the tide is slowly but surely turning against him for his sins of 
commission and omission.

His pet project The Food Park and The Auxiliaries Services at Canaguinim, has 
been facing such stiff, if not an overwhelming opposition form the natives as 
well as the other people around that area, that he was forced to scrap it, but 
as our never say die politicians (for money), he too tried to resurrect his pet 
project in another "avtar" called IDC, but still the people have wisely opposed 
it overwhelmingly. The divide that he has caused between the people of 
Canaguinim with his money power will certainly come to haunt him at the next 
local hustlings.

Looks like Babu Kavlekar has finally been undone by his own arrogance and 
ambitions, if any of the major parities give Babu Kavlekar a party ticket at 
the next election, they will certainly be betting on a lame horse, as this 
horse called Chandrakant (Babu) Kavlekar has certainly outrun himself and out 
of the political race in his pursuit for monetary gains.

The electorate of Quepem are now wiser people, are we not ?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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