The Powar Of Thappad

"Thappad" is India's indigenous weapon in more ways than one and more so from 
the hands of a woman and if they are blessed and possess the swing of 
compatriot Christina Kim than the "thappad" could land up with a hole in one 
for many a male egos. In Bollywood movies too we have seen "thappads" being 
delivered in almost every movie and the idiot box is not too far behind in 
their "saas bahu" episodes, the "thappad" is often delivered like the crack of 
a whip and the recipient is more often then not left dazed and humbled. The 
"thappad" is weapon that can have maximum emotional effect with minimal 
physical pain and in males it is also known to lowers down testosterone levels 
and sometimes said to even cause temporary impotency !

In real life too we may have witnessed "thappads" and the effect it has on the 
recipient, it is certainly not the best of things to happen to a person 
especially in public and that too, to a public figure and more so in front of 
the press cameras. The incident that occurred a couple of days back, where a 
"thappad" was administered to a veteran politician in public view and under the 
very nose of the media, has indeed resounded around the world. In India it has 
shattered the confidence of most of our netas and babus.

Harvinder Singh has been hailed as a hero and his few minutes in the sun and 
fame has had our netas holding on to their "dhotis" of indignity, as though 
their lives depended on it. The "thappad" shook even the Indian Parliament and 
most of its residents who deserve to be behind bars, have the audacity to cry 
murder in Parliament. Our politicians deserve lot more than just a simple 
"thappad" for all their sins of commissions and omissions, but even if the 
"thappad" does not do enough justice for the desecration that the residents 
have to the Indian Parliament and our Vidhan Sabhas, it could just be the start 
of worse thing to come and who could then blame the likes of Harvinder Singh.

We have already seen a lot of footwear projectiles being launched with the 
precision and trajectory of tomahawk missiles at politicians around the world 
and it is no surprise that now a "thappad" has landed on the face of a veteran 
politician in India and that too a Minister in the coalition government at the 
centre. Harvinder Singh claims he did it for publicity and the veteran minister 
has been man enough to publicly swallow his pride and forgive this humiliating 
act, but did he forgive him from his heart ? As far as we all know, Indian 
politicians to gain sympathy and mileage will go to any length in public but in 
the confines of their hearts it will certainly be a very different story, 
humiliation is one aspect that our politicians will never be able to accept or 

Why have politicians all of a sudden become prone to attacks from the public ? 
The answer is well and truly simple, frustrations at the high levels of 
corruption and nepotism in governance and as frustrations are rising people are 
becoming bolder by the day and the future indeed looks ominous. We have seen 
revolts in Egypt, Syria and Libya in the aftermath of rising frustrations and 
the same thing could happen to India and even to Goa, we are at the moment 
faced with an uncontrolled fire breathing dragon, breathing flames of 
corruption from one nostril and flames of price rise from the other and sooner 
or later the people will be forced to fight back to survive, like it happened 
in Egypt, Libya and Syria.

I am sure there are a lot more Harvinder Singh's around waiting for their 
moments in the sun, even if it's just for the publicity. Sharad Powar was 
surely lucky to end up with just a "thappad", with all the scams and the 
inflation to go with it, it could have been really worse. Judging by the 
reaction, there has been no public outcry against Harvindar Singh but on the 
contrary he has been hailed as a hero, Sharad Powar has already been singled 
out and felt the power of the "thappad", so at the moment our netas and babus 
will have to watch out and if they do not change for the better it could be 
their turn the next time round and it could well be a lot worse than just eggs, 
shoes or "thappads", as such it would be only appropriate to say  abb tera kya 
hoga Digu ?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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