They came, eyed the suitcases, took the largest ones and departed mouthing
platitudes such as we have consulted party workers, the public and we are
looking at winnability.

And they departed happy with their ill gotten gains. But they have left the
so called 'Secular vote bank' in Goa in a shambles.

Today, their lies stand exposed. When they were warned about 'Family Raj'
they chose to play the godfather. When they were warned that they would get
trounced, the acted haughty and arrogant. There were times when it was said
by some political leaders, even if party "A" fields a stone in Constituency
"B" The stone will win. Today the voter is discerning. People no longer
vote blindly.

Oscar Fernandes and the Congress High Command and the local party leaders
owe the people of Goa an apology for their arrogance.

As for the fall of the Alemaos, they had it coming. Perhaps people recalled
what happened the last time the senior Allemao took on the garb of a
Saviour of Goa via the SGF. The betrayal of the peoples aspirations was
perhaps not forgotten after all.

As for Mamata di, perhaps she used the wrong vehicle to launch the TMC road
show. The votes garnered by the TMC are pitifully low.

A consoling thought, with MP at the helm of affairs, one can indeed hope
for technological progress in Education. Last time round with his timely
infrastructure loans cum grants, schools were able to improve the

** "Tony de Sa" < tonydesa at gmail dot com > **

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