After having completed an introductory talk at Gitanjali Cafe on TA in
which the whole system was briefly unfolded by Roopa Bandekar, we at
Gitanjali Café - Gallery Gitanjali now invite you for a Weekend Workshop in
which each concept would be discussed in detail and you could apply it to
your life through self exploratory exercises.

Resource Person: Roopa Bandekar
Dates: 22nd and 23rd March, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm on both days.

Fees: Rs. 2000/- (both days)

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a system of understanding ourselves and our
responses to external world. It provides simple tools and techniques that
makes our inner worlds accessible to us..

TA was developed in the 1950's and '60s by Dr. Eric Berne and has since
supported millions of people change the way they have responded to life.
His efforts to provide a simple language of understanding the deep
complexes of the mind make it possible to really understand ourselves, our
emotional needs... the blocks that stop us from living to our highest
potential, address the critical voices in our heads that stop us from the
joy of being and doing which constantly keep us in our repetitive cycles of
boredom, frustration and stress.

TA is firmly rooted in the fact that people are born 0K and have the
capacity to return to that space of wellness with themselves and the world
no matter how difficult their emotional, life situation is. TA concepts
once learnt can be applied to in personal problem solving issues, for
educators, for parents, in the workplace and in places where social change
is required.

About Rupa Bandekar:

Roopa comes from a background of an Environment Educator having worked with
Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai and trained with Centre for
Environment Education, Ahmedabad. In 2007 she moved to Goa and started
working on creating a modestly successful Eco-store called Earthworm. At
this juncture of her life she encountered TA.It propelled her to take
charge of her life, giving herself the permission to live again, to live an
authentic, joyous life. TA  enriched her everyday living, enriching her
relationships and parenting experience.

In 2010, she took the opportunity that was offered to her to train as a
Transactional Analyst by Akash Dharmaraj a pyschotherapist, TATherapist,
Practioner and Trainer.

In June 2013, she facilitated a  "Youth, Environment and Sustainability"
with Mahindra United World College, Pune with a  blend of  TA and Nature

In November 2013, she conducted her first TA Introductory Workshop in which
the wide tools and techniques of TA were shared.

Thanks & Regards
Aisha Khalifa
Gallery Gitanjali
E-212,31st January Road,

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