Over the past few days more than 100 truck loads of mud was dumped
illegally in a low lying paddy field opposite to the new District Collector
Hospital. The filling began more than three months ago with the dumping of
construction debris. UGF had filed a complaint then but no action was taken
because the SGPDA couldnt find who had done the filling.
This time however, Vijay Sardesai admitted to media reporters that he had
done the filling to create a vegetable market. The report appeared on local
UGF slams Vijays illegal actions of filling mud and damaging the paddy
fields. The construction of vegetable market next to the highway and near
the district hospital junction will create severe traffic problems and pose
a threat to life. UGF has written to the SGPDA that an FIR be filed under
section 17A of TCP Act against Vijay and his contractor.

For United Goans Foundation
Avinash Tavares

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