UK: BBC Asain Network looking for new presenters

Courtesy of Asain voice closing date  Midnight 24 January 2021.

The BBC Asian Network has launched a talent search for new presenters and is 
looking for new voices who “ live and Breathe British Asain Culture” Applicants 
and Candidates are expected to have a passion for reporting on Music, Current 
Affairs and Entertainment.

The search focusses on applicants whose strengths lie in  presenting and on 
those who have strong foothold on music, entertainment, Social media and 
celebrity gossip.But they are also welcoming applications from people with and 
without Radio Experience

The station plans to whittle the applicants down to a final twelve who will 
then host four two hour Sunday Shows each between March 2021 and February 2022.

Ahmed Hussain Head of BBC Asain Network, said, “Asain Network is all about your 
voice  and I am excited to hear from the next generation of presenters from 
across the uk.This os a chance to represent what you are really all about and 
what you can bring to the Asian Network. We have created a brand new two hour 
slot on Sundays to ensure that we give the best opportunities to our stars of 
tomorrow.The great thing about this os that you don’t even need previous Radio 

Applications are now open via Uploader on the BBC Asian Network Website and 
will close at midnight on 24 January 2021

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey

6 January 2021

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