About five years ago an Artist friend of mine and who knew of my interest
with UNESCO sent  me a gold mine..
*ONE :  Contrary to the usual bogey man Mr Putin ..the Participants were :*
France <https://www.britannica.com/place/France> Russia
<https://www.britannica.com/place/Russia> United Kingdom
<https://www.britannica.com/place/United-Kingdom>..The names of these
warmongers were  FitzRoy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan
 Armand-Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud
...*Battle of Alma*, (September 20, 1854), victory by the British and the
French in the Crimean War <https://www.britannica.com/event/Crimean-War> that
left the Russian naval base of Sevastopol
<https://www.britannica.com/place/Sevastopol> vulnerable
<https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vulnerable> and endangered the
entire Russian position in the war. It is generally considered the first
battle of the Crimean War.  by Prince Aleksandr Menshikov
the Russians had occupied a position on the heights above the Alma River in
southwestern Crimea <https://www.britannica.com/place/Crimea>, thus
blocking the road to Sevastopol. In order to advance, the allied French and
British army (which had some 60,000 troops to the Russians 37,000) would
have to assault Telegraph Hill, . The valley in between led to Sevastopol,
but no advance would be possible, even with their numerical advantage, if
the Russians held the two hills.>>>>that was way back in 1854 .....Quite a
few of you know about the Charge of the Light Brigade ,,,but the story goes
back ,it goes further back to the rise of Molema growth from Portugal all
over North Africa and on to Turkey and into the depth of Eastern  Russian
and the  Federated State all dominated by  Moslems
*Secondly * let us be a bit more carful when we utter Poor Ukrainians all
western Christians etc  .......One cannot turn the past but one can be
careful about rampart accusations .For instance note that in 1783 Town of
*Bakhchysaray  *was  the capital of the Crimean* khanate.* The city has
many buildings of historical and architectural interest, including the
palace of the Tatar khans built in 1519.
Contrary to the Goody Goody Ukrainians  who are all Christians the facts
tell us a different story ...for centuries there have been a Muslim
minority .....Li\ke the Ukrainian Jews who invited HITLER ...to fight
Russian STALIN so too did the Moslem. At the end of World War II they were
deported to SIBERIA ...they are still being chilled
We all need to Chill,,,,,,,but let us not go to Siberia ...unless there are
a few  GOANS  who want to Hunt Siberian Tigers...WAAGGG
Never hunted animals or birds
but he has met and seen more lions in Tanzania

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