The reported vaccination of residents of many societies in Mumbai in 
coordination with the health authorities using the official APP, and 
certificates issued by some hospitals unknowingly was brought to light by a 
suspicious individual! Police have now arrested many and are reportedly looking 
out for the kingpin! The victim residents are wondering what they have been 
injected with and the ramifications for second doze, certificates required for 
travel etc. In the meantime it is reported that CoWin is making a mess, telling 
lakhs they are due fror second shot when already done, and lots of duplication. 
In Gujerat a male enginering student number was registered in some female's 
name! How are we allowing, suffering and tolerating all this with impunity of 
the authorities? Why are the basics not attended to first before grandoise 
plans and no transparency or accountability? The government are the people's 
employees and we have democratically let them turn into unaccountable rulers? 
They are tapping into the indiam psyche of being ruled and used to caste and 
creed based servility. Look at the arrogance of the VIPs and our Netas who seem 
to be the law. They have scored a century in fuel prices and home budgets have 
hit people to the boundry line? Not to mention unnessary Covid deaths. The 
third wave is expected. What will you remember when they come for your vote?

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