According to the latest data filed in the Supreme Court it is reported that
there are 4984 cases pending against netas and the politco criminal nexus
is increasing day by day! Nowadays its about religion, untra nationalism
and hype. The highest authorities distort the truth in Parliament and the
real issues are sidelined. The BJP and Coingress are voted into power off
and on, the same ugly system prevails. Both have proved to be two sides of
the same coin, having almost equal crorepatis, except Congress is not
communal! The System is such that  the gap between the poor and rich keep
ever widening. People are forced to become corrupt , either to save family
or survive and the ruling party calls the shots. Hence we find  our
votes have no value with elected members switching parties, Goa leading the
pack with only two members left in the Congress party! We have to therefore
vote/force change. If the opposition really cared for us and Goa, they
would have put aside their egos and individual ideologies, thrashed out a
Common Minimum Programme and assured us of a win and much needed fresh
breeze and drastic change in line with the wishes of the people from the
grassroots level to up! Regrettably we are with our backs to the wall
with many parties splitting votes leaving the ruling party a wide gap to
exploit. The latest capex budget has no immediate relief for the medium and
small scale industries, many closed down and unorganized sectors with
millions of jobs lost, high prices and having to cope with inflation. Right
now the important issue is Hijab, saffron flag being hoisted by students
politicized and the whole country polarized. Time for each of us to
introspect and vote to liberate ourselves! Yes we can if we can unite?
John Eric Gomes
(Tel  2417837).

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