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Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building, Panjim.  June 24, 
4.30 pm Children's Day (with Bookworm). June 25, 5 pm Mario's medium analyzed. 
Short films on Mario. Featuring the first public appearance in Goa by Amruta 
Patil, graphic novelist and Goa Art College graduate.  Her recent graphic 
novel, 'Kari' (Harper Collins) earned wide acclaim. July 26, original play by 
the Mustard Seeds Arts Company (5pm)

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2008 Goan International
convention currently on at Mississauga University of
Toronto (UTM), July 23-27, 2008.

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Vatican-Saudi talks on churches 
Archbishop Hashem discussed the Saudi talks whilst visiting Qatar 

Vatican-Saudi talks on churches The Vatican is holding talks with Saudi Arabia 
on building the first church in the kingdom, where some 1.5m Christians are not 
allowed to worship publicly. 
Archbishop Paul-Mounged el-Hachem, one of Pope Benedict XVI's most senior 
Middle East representatives , said the discussions had begun a few weeks ago. 
But the archbishop cautioned that the Vatican could not predict the outcome. 
The discussions come in the wake of King Abdullah's historic meeting with the 
Pope at the Vaticanlast November. 
A Catholic-Muslim Forum was also set up by the Pope two weeks ago to repair 
relations between the two faiths after the crisis caused by a speech he gave in 
Germanyin 2006, in which he appeared to associate Islam with violence. 
The disclosure of talks between the Vatican and Saudi Arabia, which do not have 
diplomatic ties, came soon after the first Roman Catholic church in the Qatari 
capital, Doha, was opened in a service attended by 15,000 people. 
Archbishop Hachem, the Apostolic Nuncio to Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, Bahrain and 
the UAE, who attended the inauguration, said he hoped there would soon be a 
similar church for the many Christians in neighbouring Saudi Arabia. 
If we manage to obtain authorisation for the construction of the first church, 
it will be an outcome of historic dimensions  Father Federico Lombardi  
Spokesman for Pope Benedict 
'Discussions are under way to allow the construction of churches in the 
kingdom,' he said. 
Although he made clear the outcome was uncertain, the archbishop added that a 
church in Saudi Arabiawould be an important sign of 'reciprocity' between 
Muslims and Christians. 
The Vaticanhas noted that Muslims are free to worship openly in Europeand 
demands religious freedom as a condition for the opening of diplomatic 
About a million Catholics, many of them migrant workers from the Philippines, 
live in Saudi Arabia. 
They are allowed to worship in private, mostly in people's homes, but worship 
in public places and outward signs of faith, such as crucifixes, are forbidden. 
The last Christian priest was expelled from the kingdom in 1985. 
Christians complain that rules are not clear and that the Saudi religious 
authorities, who enforce the kingdom's conservative brand of Islam, Wahhabism, 
sometimes crack down on legitimate congregations. 
The authorities cite a tradition of the Prophet Muhammad that only Islam can be 
practised in the Arabian Peninsula. 
A spokesman for Pope Benedict, Father Federico Lombardi, said: 'If we manage to 
obtain authorisation for the construction of the first church, it will be an 
outcome of historic dimensions.' 
Story from BBC NEWS:
http://news. bbc.co.uk/ go/pr/fr/ -/2/hi/europe/ 7302378.stm

Published: 2008/03/18 12:04:54 GMT


Saudis to allow construction of a Catholic church? 
Rome, Mar. 17, 2008(CWNews. com) - The Vatican is negotiating with the 
government of Saudi Arabiato allow construction of a Catholic church in that 
country, Vatican Radio reports. 
Islam is the state religion of Saudi Arabia. The government has not allowed the 
construction of any non-Muslim place of worship. No religion other than Islam 
is allowed to schedule public services, and even the possession of Bibles, 
rosaries, and crucifixes is forbidden. 
While it is home to 800,000 Catholics-- virtually all of them foreign workers-- 
Saudi Arabiais the only country on the Arabian Peninsulawithout a Catholic 
church. However King Abdullah has now given his support to the drive for 
construction of a Catholic church. 
Saudi Arabiadoes not have formal diplomatic relations with the Holy See. But in 
November 2007, King Abdullah became the first reigning Saudi monarch ever to 
visit the Vatican. Commenting after his meeting with Pope Benedict XVI (bio - 
news), Vaticanofficials had confirmed that the Pontiff pressed for permission 
to open a Catholic church in Saudi Arabia. 
Vatican diplomats have long argued that Islamic states should practice 
reciprocity in recognizing the religious freedom of their Christian minorities, 
just as the predominantly Christian states of Europerecognize the rights of 
Muslims. The city of Rome, for example, has allowed construction of one of 
Europe's largest mosques. 
Father Federico Lombardi, the spokesman for the Holy See, said that opening a 
Catholic parish in the Islamic land would be 'a historic achievement' for 
religious freedom and a major step forward for inter-religious dialogue. 

The apostolic nuncio to Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, and 
Bahrain, Archbishop Paul-Mounged El-Hachem, is reportedly the lead Vatican 
negotiator in talks with Saudi officials. 

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                    Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
                           July 25 - 30, 2008
                               Goa, India


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