Dear Vinay,

Thank you for taking time in replying to my mail, but this will be the last 
mail i will waste my time on, and people of your calibre.

a party has to show some consistency in winning elections, if they loose all 
the time it faces the threat of being extinct. this is basic political 
arthematic that you do not seem to understand.

although there is a high level of corruption, the congress does not have a 
track record of minority bashing like the BJP. The congress supporters would 
never storm the bishops house or go on a rampage on a bjp supporters hotel or 
deface property like your zealots did in Fontainhas -- y do you avoid this 
embarassing events that your potrikar did while he was king? Who instigated 
churchorem riots?

Being in Dubai, i am more in touch with politics in Goa through various very 
reliable sources in the media and the government.

The decline of the BJP is going to be as unceremonious as their 
rise...treachery the way Porrikar did has no place in todays society...those 
who sow bad will reap bad...the recent south goa parlimentary elections was a 
way of the electorate that porrikar;s trick to acquire a chritao candidate was 
seen through by the electorate.

Can Porrikar or you actually give a break down of where the crores alleged to 
have been spent of IFFI during the BJP were stashed? Or wre you one of the 

Having read some of your pro BJP writings, i feel there is not much of a 
thought in your political acumen, either you are a chost writer or someone is 
helping you with your pro BJP writings. and hence i will refrain from 
entertaining any debate on this issue...lets accept the people's mandate at the 
recent hustings in or expensive booze that must have flowed...the 
BJP was routed!

Cedric da Costa

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