Give the tiger of St Andre due credit. It has been more than a year
since Vishnu Surya Wagh was struck by a debilitating heart attack that
took him away from his highly visible gadfly role in the state
legislature. Nonetheless, even while still recuperating, his name and
writing is centre stage in the biggest controversy to roil Goa's
cultural realm in many years. His 2013 collection of poems 'Sudhir
Sukta' has sparked fierce debate after being finalized for a Goa
Konkani Akademi (GKA) award. One of the judges, poet-journalist Sanjiv
Verenkar prematurely announced the jury decision in protest, telling
an interviewer, "Leaking the result is unethical, but my intention was
the greater good. The poems are critical of a particular community,
and have the potential to stoke communal tension...a government agency
shouldn't endorse such vulgar, reckless writing."

Whether or not Verenkar's actions have any merit, he did at least read
the book of poems. That is quite obviously not the case with the
clamouring mob of instant would-be censurers who popped up four long
years after Wagh's book was published, all demanding 'Sudhir Sukta' be
denied the state award, while berating the poems for being, among
other things, "a threat to society", "of discriminatory nature", and
"a harsh attack...using filthiest language". Taking matters further,
the credentials of one of the judges are being questioned, as she "has
no particular literary work to her credit". Meanwhile, another person,
who has actually read the poems, the book's publisher Hema Naik, has
unequivocally declared, "He has the freedom to write what he wants,"
and, "there is no basis to the allegation that the book targets a
specific caste."

Immediately after this dispute aired, educator and translator Augusto
Pinto has been rendering the general public a great service by swiftly
producing "rough draft" translations of some of Wagh's poems. Despite
the obvious strictures under which he's working to bring the original
Konkani into English at high speed, Pinto's renditions already easily
demonstrate that 'Sudhir Sukta' is made up of striking, vivid works
with terrific contemporary value, and of undeniably significant
literary merit. While raw with emotion, and powerfully vituperative in
parts, these poems are clearly amongst the most significant
contemporary contributions to Goa's literature, as well as an all-time
landmark achievement for Konkani poetry.

"Here nobody asks/ About the other's caste/ But everybody knows/ Who's
who." As Wagh alludes in his poem 'Castes' the purportedly egalitarian
society of Goa is almost imperceptibly jigsawed by caste (regardless
of creed). Despite the availability of multiple perspectives and
viewpoints, much too often the pendulum defaults to privileged upper
castes and their spokesmen (women also remain disgracefully
under-represented). Though the state's political realm experienced
what Goa University's Paresh Porobo calls, "India's first democratic
revolution", its entrenched cultural elites have never been challenged
by a democratic plurality of voices. Wagh's poem quoted above
poignantly continues, "Every caste has some desire/Some agony/But does
desire and agony/Have any caste?"

Read in the context of modernist literature, there is absolutely
nothing controversial about Wagh's poems. Instead, they fit perfectly
well into a grand global tradition that encompasses everyone from the
late Philip Larkin ('This Be The Verse') to the brilliant young Meena
Kandasmy ('Algorithm for converting a Shudra into a Brahmin'). Wagh
himself has evidently drawn strength from the formidable Marathi poet
Namdeo Dhasal, who wrote, "I am a venereal sore/ in the private part
of language," and whose 'Man, You Should Explode' is a direct
fore-runner of 'Sudhir Sukta'. But there are many other antecedents,
including Bengal's "Hungyalists" of the 1960s, whose Debi Roy (born
Haradhon Dhara) similarly faced accusations of obscenity for his
forceful verse.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Wagh's 2013 book is suddenly unavailable. But
even now, as each additional poem is released in the media, or via
Augusto Pinto's translations on the Goa Book Club mailing list on the
Internet, the lasting worth of 'Sudhir Sukta' is being underlined.
Many verses are indeed profane, and also acerbic, wounded, resilient,
and filled with defiance and joy. While the Goa Konkani Akademi must
endeavour to maintain its integrity, and find a way to resist the
shameful pressure now being exerted on its leadership, there should be
no doubt these works are going to be read, remembered and celebrated
even if the state award is diverted. As Wagh's title poem says, "And
all who are with us/ Will see that our fortunes are reversed/ Not
because we are Sudhirs/ But just to live like human beings/ Just to
live like human beings."

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