Dear Advogado Jose,
Here is a simplified transcript pf this morning's proceedings:
Goan Cybercourt No. 1, Hon. Justice Goen Publicus presiding.
After preliminaries:
PP: Your Honour, Mr. RB is accused of misappropriating an IP.
Ju: Who is appearing for the defense?
JC: I am, your Honor.
Ju: How does your client plead?
JC: Your Honor, it has not been shown-
Ju: I repeat!! How does your client plead ??
JC: Your Honor, my client can show...
Ju: Cease immediately!! Which part do you not understand??
JC: Your Honor, my client requires this court to prove he
     is not the originator of the IP under mention and...
Ju: Silence!!! Counsel, approach the bench immediately!!
JC: Yes, your Honor??
Ju: Are you indeed unaware of courtroom procedure?
JC: No, your Honor.
Ju: That taking the plea of the accused is the first step -
JC: Your Honor, I'm a respected physician...
Ju: Silence!! One last time - is your client guilty or not??
JC: Your Honor, can you prove -
Ju: Silence!! Counsel, I am holding you in contempt. One day's
     SI, during which your credentials will be verified. Your
     unfortunate client may choose alternate representation.
     Bailiff, counsel may be removed from this court immediately!
So JC, the gloves are off. No more hemming and hawing and
verbal obfuscation. One simple question - is Rene Barretto the
founder and originator of World Goa Day ? One simple Yes or
No. If you cannot answer that straightforward and upright, I
think I'm wasting my time. No cockamamie Pontius Pilate type
of responses. It is you, not your client, who is now in the dock.


>Dear Francis,
>With due respect, I do not see why I (jc) should have to stick
to medicine. jc doesn't know who is "the founder and originator
>of the World Goa Day idea" jc couldn't care less .......
>You (Francis) on the other hand have claimed that Rene is NOT "the founder 
>and originator of the World Goa Day idea"......
>It probably means a lot to you.... BUT can you prove that he is NOT?
>If anyone else  had made that accusation, it would have been excusable. But 
> are a lawyer. Surely you know what entails the IP claims and Theft 
>accusations. Do you not?.......
>One final note ....with due respect, please be advised that (jc) does NOT 
>have to stick to medicine.
>good wishes as always

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