Dear music-lover,


        It's that time of year again: World Busk! (


        Between 10-16 June, musicians around the world will busk (make music in 
public places to raise money for charity) for Musequality 
( which supports music charities
around the world such as ours, Child's Play (India) 

        We are proud to say that we at Child's Play have participated in World 
Busk since its inception in 2009! We have been a solitary pinpoint on the 
Indian subcontinent on the World Busk map for years, in contrast to the 
pin-cushion in Europe, the UK, North America and Australia and NZ. �


        This year, we will have two events:


        1. Our traditional eclectic music event at Literati bookshop, Calangute 
( on 14 June 2013 from 5 pm onwards.�


        Our heartfelt thanks to Diviya Kapur for making us so welcome every 
year. Here, we invite members of the public to participate, and we also provide 
a platform for young talent. In the past, we have had jugglers, a unicyclist, 
and music of all sorts, including Portuguese fado, Carnatic music on
electric guitar, and a djembe. We have also had for three consecutive years the 
Pereira family trio from Utorda.

        This year promises to be just as exciting, with some Bach for solo 
violin, a young string quartet, a choir, an ukelele, djembe, and a good 
old-fashioned sing-song of party favourites accompanied by guitar. Something 
for everyone, and it's for a good cause! Let the good times roll!


        Do contact me if any of you would like to add your bit to our event. My 
number is 9011051950.


        2. The next day (15 June 2013, 6 pm, Caritas Conference Hall St. 


        I'm deeply touched to have the participation and support of my own 
teacher and the doyenne of violin pedagogy in Goa, the indefatigable Myra 
Shroff and her Fun Group.


        There will also be a performance by the new Camerata Child's Play 
conducted by Pheroze Mistri in a programme that includes �the much-loved 
Concerto for two violins in D minor BWV 1043 (Ashley Rego and Maria Sancha 
Pereira, soloists), Sibelius' Andante Festivo, John Williams' theme from
Schindler's List (Ashley Rego, violin) and Herp Albertis 'Tijuana Taxi' 
(trumpet solo and arrangement for string ensemble by Selvyn Braganza).

        Some of our Child's Play kids will feature too, at both places, with a 
little support from the rest of us.�


        We look forward very much to seeing you at both events. Thank you in 
advance for your support!


        Please do spread the word and forward this email to your friends and 


        I am thrilled to report that a Canadian musician friend will also be 
busking on our behalf in his country! �


        I also want to take this opportunity to inform you about the upcoming 
visit of several members of the music faculty of the University of Seville, 
Spain ( and their colleagues
to Goa in July-August to work with our Child's Play children and the wider 
music community in Goa. There will be nine musicians in total, professionals in 
violin, viola, cello, double-bass, recorder, flute, oboe, clarinet, voice, 
choir and children's music introduction and education. Some of you
will already have met Santiago Lusardi Girelli, an Italian-origin musician 
raised in Argentina, and now living in Spain, but with a wide range of 
interests, and with vast experience in music education across Latin America, 
especially in El Sistema Venezuela, which is our constant inspiratiion. He
was in Goa for some weeks in April, and had conducted the debut concert of 
Camerata Child's Play. ��

        During their visit, the musicians from Spain will engage in lessons and 
music instruction for our children in Panjim, St. Inez, Caranzalem, and Aldona. 
They will also offer masterclasses (one-on-one and group) to musicians and 
music students in Goa. Equally importantly, they would like to work with
music teachers across the state.

        The details will be clearer in the weeks leading up to the arrival of 
the Spanish delegation. But the general idea is to raise the standard of music 
education and performance in Goa. There will be several concerts involving the 
Spanish and our local musicians, especially of those who participate in
the music lessons and masterclasses. It is hoped that a lot can be achieved in 
these weeks (beginning July to mid-August). �

        It would help to know the level of interest in participating in this 
landmark initiative. Any queries could be addressed to this email address, and 
on the phone 9011051950.


        As you can imagine, such a visit by so many music professionals and 
their instruments involves huge logistic implications and expense.�


        Child's Play will gratefully welcome any donations and support to 
defray some of these costs.


        We also desperately need help in arranging their transport within Goa. 
If any of you have, or know someone who has, a spare vehicle that could be lent 
to us, that will aid us immensely. Please, please, do get in touch.


        Lastly, if any of you would like to help make their stay in Goa more 
hospitable, by hosting an evening or meal, do get in touch as well. Muchas 
gracias! :)


        Best wishes and hasta la vista!


        Luis �


                Dr. Luis Dias
                Project Director
                Child's Play (India) Foundation


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