We hate*** (rarely love) each other based on many subtleties that most of
are loathe to put into text. We leave it to the scholars to enlighten us,
who very often cannot or will not write in language that is accessible.

Perhaps close proximity between individuals and their successes or lack
thereof breeds a lack of respect for I-You*** relationships, and propel us
into I-It***(from Martin Buber) constructs, where we see others as objects.
So as an example, a perfectly innocuous one, allow me to take you  to
ABBA(not for their lyrics this time aroud), an instance when Frida nudged
Agnetha. Such behavior, although much more passive aggressive happens at
Indian performances too, when one gives the dagger to the accompanist and
worst of all the tanpura player. But this is not about musicians or about
their relationships. It is an extrapolated attempt to learn to
visually see/observe ourselves and our interactions with others. How
objective or subjective may one be, how genuine, how neutral, or how blase?
How developed are our masks? Do they cover our faces as a second skin?

Look closely between 2:46-2:48. The nudge is at 2:47, creeps into 2:48--its
back to bliss by 2:49. At 2:51 the slow motion.

Here, and not just for kicks and giggles see a cat and a rat making moves.
Of love. Love? Love! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTeRGZa3Yeg&feature=dir

***More on these topics later.

venantius j pinto

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