What do Goans actually want?

Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.

Finally, the honorable Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat (O'Herald, Be positive on 
Development) has the courage to ask the public the most important question: 
"What do 
you really want?" This question should have been asked long ago, but all this 
the cries of the masses fell on deaf ears. How ironic! Yet true. We were being 
in the wrong direction by leaders who made a sham of their service to the 
The Chief Minister made it clear in his statement, that while under the guise 
being faithful public servants, our leaders have been totally heedless of the 
of ordinary citizens. Now he asks, "What do you really want?"

Goa should be an educational hub, having the best of universities, and 
colleges, attracting students from other states, as well as those from foreign 
countries. Upgrade the present medical college, build the finest hospitals, and 
up research centers, which will induce a needed boost to our economy, and bring 
steady revenue to the state, and employment to the locals. India is known for 
attracting medical tourists from all over the world, and Goa is an ideal place 
recuperation and convalescence of those under medical treatment.

Headed for such advancement and progress, our top priority requires that a 
well-designed infrastructure be in place, generating adequate and efficient 
electricity and supplying a continuous flow of clean drinking water. Of equal 
importance is the transportation system. A sound and intact network of roads 
four lane highways, and two-lane interior roads would have a major effect on 
reducing the accidents and fatalities, which bring sorrow to our families and 
to our name. No less critical, is the need for a centralized and scientifically 
monitored sewage system, to ward-off the contamination of our rivulets, thus 
reducing the menace of mosquitoes. Public sanitation and well-organized 
of garbage and proper disposal of all refuse is vital for any tourist spot.

Remember, there are thousands of Goans living in Diaspora, who are totally 
in first world conveniences and comfort, receiving with ease the same efficient 
services that the governments of those countries provide for its citizens. Upon 
retirement, many desire to return home to Goa, but are reluctant, because of 
failure to adequately and duly supply basic amenities. If said infrastructure 
is put 
in place, many of our brothers and sisters, who live overseas, will come home 
reunite with their families. Such action on their part would help to negate the 
imbalance caused by non-goans in our state of Goa. The present scenario decries 
government in its deficiency to uphold the family unit, which has undergone a 
dramatic change due to migration of our people to foreign countries. It is the 
obligation and responsibility of the government, to protect this basic unit-the 
family, which is the strength in the fabric that keeps a community together 
higher ethical standards.

Goa is a natural tourist destination, and beckons visitors' year around. To 
keep the 
tourism industry alive and active, an added feature, like a "Disneyland 
type park would enhance the delight and entertainment of our guests. In place 
of a 
new airport in Mopa, build a Disneyland there. The construction of such an 
park would benefit the state with increased revenue, and local employment at a 
higher payment scale. A Sea-World in the south would reap similar advantages. 
been blessed abundantly by nature, Goa has the ingredients and capacity to 
house a 
well-designed national garden- a botanical beauty, to showcase and exhibit the 
flowers, plants and trees that flourish copiously in our homeland. Let us offer 
public a place of serenity and relaxation, and an opportunity to enjoy and 
about the natural beauty of our creation.

Our rice-fields and farmlands are languishing for proper attention. At one 
these paddy fields laid out an emerald carpet of welcome to our visitors, and 
brought delight to our farmers. Now, the number of farmers is diminishing, and 
fields are prey to ambitious builders, who want to grow concrete jungles. It is 
that our government provides incentives to the farmers to restore the 
as well as horticulture; thereby, returning vitality to our lives and to our 
environment. By the same token, enforce the three-months fishing ban during the 
breeding season to replenish the depleted ocean with fish, and revive the dying 
fishing industry.

Goa has the potential to be the football power of the world, but we are not 
seriously tapping the talents. If world class academies had been instituted, 
insurance for each player, India would have qualified to play in the world-cup 
long time ago. Our budding athletes are slipping away to work in the 
industry, in middle-east, the west, and on the ships. This loss of sports 
talent is 
a shame. Furthermore, please extend support and cooperation to our "Tiatrist," 
have maintained our traditions and kept our culture alive to date, by their 
sacrifice and hard work.

Goans on average, have better English diction than that of the population in 
many of 
our other states. Call centers would have presented Goans with ideal jobs, if 
government was, in fact, interested in provided such for our citizens. 
for such a project would have been minimal; job opportunities for our youth 
have been plentiful. We would have been better served had we not allowed such 
possibilities to slip from our hands. "IT Park" is good, but before going in 
direction, I believe greater deliberation on the call centers would have 
demonstrated a greater economic advantage. And now, we look forward to global 
market, while our schools have changed their courses to regional economics. 
is no longer being taught in the primary school. We are such wise fools!

What we do not want is SEZ, lame industries, mega-housing projects, and the 
destruction of our environment. We do not want drug trafficking, casinos, 
pedophiles, gangs, murder, robberies, and corruption. Establish a strong police 
force, which will uphold the law and protect the citizens; keep lifeguards on 
beach to avoid the all too frequent drownings of our visitors and our own 
and have restrooms on all beaches for public use, and parking space where 
congregate. Keep Goa safe, clean and green!

Had this question been posed years ago, and answered sincerely and 
the fabric of our society would have remained intact: the mass exodus of our 
citizens to foreign countries, lessened; the influx of the immigrants from 
states, contained. We must not delay any longer. Now is better than never. Goa 
calling! Those who have ears let them hear her plea. Her wounds are showing! 
who have eyes let them see.

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