According to an internal assessment of food ministry, shared with chief
ministers recently, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal
Pradesh will see massive reduction in their annual grain allocation! Bihar
and Uttar Pradesh together send 120 members to the Lok Sabha of the total of
543 elected ones. 

The assessment says annual allocation of food grain to Bihar (1st on gainer
list) will rise by 110.2 per cent as compared to their average annual off
take and will get 5.6 mt instead of their average up take of 2.66 million
tons; Uttar Pradesh (2nd on gainer list) will go up 47 per cent and will get
9.63 mt instead of their usual average uptake of 6.55 mt. Rajasthan's (3rd
on gainer list) annual quota is to rise by 52 per cent under National Food
Security Ordinance, promulgated earlier this month. The assessment shows
states where legislative Assembly polls are due in the next few months stand
to gain the most from the ordinance.  
While Tamil Nadu's share of grains to drop by 32% i.e instead of 3.78 mt
they will get 2.57 mt.

If presently followed assessment is applied to Goa, Goa is likely to get
only 0.38 mt.! Is that sufficient for Goa which is over-flooded with poor
migrants holding ration cards in Goa? Will Shantaram Naik, Goa MP to Raj
Sabha, take up this issue with the center or he only wants that Goa
government to consult him before spending money which is to be granted by
center for tourism development? Shantaram Naik should not forget the
legislative assembly polls in Goa too are due in next few months to come?

To compute what Goa is likely to get under the ordinance, and to read more
on the issue click on to the link provided herein below:

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