To Goanet -

Now that the hoarding of swords seems to be the handiwork
of muslim migrants, the silence of the usual suspects,
who are otherwise quick to issue press statements, is
deafening.  Where's the lawyer lady hiding now?  She
can't find any Hindu Bajrang Dal boys to pin the blame, eh?
These accursed fascist anti-Hindu bigots are a bigger
threat to communal harmony than the fundamentalists

The muslim migrants at Monte and elsewhere are among
the most virulent, with their radical brand of Islam (ask
the Goan muslims).  But it would be a mistake to view
the migrant menace through the religious lens.  The
migrants are a problem REGARDLESS OF THEIR RELIGION.
In absolute numbers, Hindu migrants outnumber
their muslim counterparts.  Goans have to turn back the
migrant tide without regard to religion or place of origin.

Warm regards,


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