Dear Friends,
10th September is celebrated globally as World Suicide Prevention Day. This is 
a day when we remember all those who have lost their lives to suicide. We also 
remember their families and friends who are still trying to cope and pray for 
every person who is coping up with stress in their lives. It is a day when we 
strenghten ourselves by firmly believing that whatever the situation, we will 
not give up. There is always hope, there is always a way out. Every problem has 
a solution.... The world around us may not change but we can!!
I request everyone to:
1) wear yellow ribbons ( representing suicide prevention) which has a message 
"ASK FOR HELP". Never stay with your thoughts and emotions locked up inside for 
fear of being judged. Pick up a friend along your lifes journey whom you can 
trust and if the problem gets bigger then go to a professional.

2) Light candles at 8pm and say a prayer for all suicide victims and their 
families and the youth of today.

3) Pass this message to all on your contact list......
Lets unite together to bring hope,

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