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Worthy Occasion Turned Unworthy

Last weekend, the13th October was like any other weekend in the UAE, except for 
the fact that the one time cause of sleepless nights of a lot of Goan males and 
who had once held sway on the Konkanni stage along with her late husband for 
many a decades, the one and only Rita Rose was suppose to be live on stage at 
the Sharjah Church hall along with the undisputed queen of Goan melody, the 
exceptionally unique Lorna was enough to send a lot of us on a leather hunt for 

Lorna I had met here in Dubai before but I had not seen Rita Rose live for a 
good many years, and I was very eager but due to some unavoidable circumstances 
my pals and I reached just when the second song was being sung and It was a 
good performance, then came Lorna to the boisterous and rousing ovation and she 
did not disappoint us, the power of her vocals has not diminished at all and 
her energy levels must have given a lot of youngsters a complexity, 
comparatively and surprisingly Rita's performance was subdued but none the less 
enjoyed seeing her on stage and even today she looks marvelous, she has lost 
some pounds but still appealing none the less. Seeing the two greatest Konkanni 
singers on stage together was surely "paisa vasool".

It was then the cat was let out of the bag, this program was a birthday 
celebration of our Goan priest Rev. Fr. Rodson of the Sharjah Church, a priest 
who has captured the hearts, minds and imaginations of many a people in this 
part of the world. Some years ago he was invited for the Novenas and the feast 
of St. Francis Xavier and the impact of his preaching was so great that the 
Sharjah Parish priest asked the Church Authorities in Goa for the services of 
Rev. Fr. Rodson on a permanent basis, since then people have just been flocking 
to the Sharjah Church in the hope of getting to listen to his sermons.

It was nice of the all those involved in organizing and bringing his parents 
for this celebration, it was indeed a pleasant surprise for Rev. Fr. Rodson 
himself  to find his parents at the celebration and he was lost for words. Rev. 
Fr.Rodson has been a priest who have had a tremendous effect on the entire 
Catholic community of Sharjah and more so the youth. Sharjah will be eternally 
grateful for his services and we all wish him all the health, joy, peace, love 
and happiness as he works in the Vineyard of the Lord.

Along with the surprise presence of the Parents of Rev. Fr. Rodson there was 
also another bigger surprise awaiting us, the imposing figure of the PWD 
Minister of Goa in spotless whites, which was in complete violation to the 
virtue that he carries, yet again trying to fool people, of what he stands for. 
His very presence indeed defiled the otherwise worthy occasion. As he was 
invited to say a few words, loud boos greeted him and the very sight of him 
walking to the stage made me sick to the pit of my stomach and I left the hall 
to relieve myself and into the compound, on my way back I was fortunate enough 
to meet Rita Rose and had the opportunity of a one on one talk with her, I will 
indeed treasure the few minutes with the Konkanni stage deity for a long long 

As the program continued there were constant boos thrown in the direction of 
the PWD minister and it got only worse when the so called Dubai trio, projected 
the PWD minister as a worthy CM and unfurled his picture on stage, which was 
utter blasphemy if there was ever one. Looked like the Dubai trio, are 
certainly feeding on the crumbs of the PWD Minister and possibly expecting 
sponsorships for their endeavors in the near future, they criticized Digambar 
Kamat but were unfortunately singing paeans of the bigger anomaly than Kamat, 
it was bootlicking at its worst.

I did make my feelings very clear to the person who held his portrait while 
singing, after the show in no uncertain terms. It would have certainly been 
better for them to keep his portrait at their respective homes and worship him 
with incense rather then unfurl it at this worthy occasion, even Rev. Fr. 
Rodson was feeling out of sorts in the presence of the anomaly, but what else 
could he do, the boot lickers had invited him for his birthday celebrations. 
The essence and the beauty of the birthday celebrations of Rev. Fr. Rodson were 
certainly undone by the presence of this anomaly called Churchill Alemao and 
that too in spotless whites, a man with white on the outside, while filled with 
muck inside.

Even though all the people love and respect Rev Fr. Rodson, it was indeed 
unfortunate that some just could not help but boo the PWD Minister and if it 
wasn't for the birthday, I am sure the boos would have grown in intensity and 
frequency. I humbly request to the organizers and the Sharjah Goan Community, 
not to dilute the essence of such beautiful and meaningful celebrations by 
inviting corrupt and anti Goan politicians. There is an age old adage in 
Konkanni "Ami atrun polloun paim sodche". If we cannot afford entertainment 
without the sponsorships of our corrupt politicians please do not go for it, we 
Goan would prefer to stay home than to be a part of the celebrations sponsored 
by the blood money derived from selling and raping Goa.
Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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