Many of the Goans are outside the state for sake of employment. They
are not registered as voters some where else. The state stands to gain
a lot from foreign remittances, thus earning sizable amount of
resources The EPIC card also serves as an important identity.
Similarly, as and when they are in holidays, they may be able to
exercise their franchise and take part in electoral process. What is
the benefit in disfranchising Goans ? what is the cause for worry,
when they are not enjoying any benefits by holding the EPIC card. On
the contrary most of the migrants and non Goans are registered as
voters in their native place. This practice is illegal ,registering as
voter in two places Actually speaking the non Goans from other states
of India should not be registered, unless they obtain proof of their
registration being cancelled in their home state. It is observed that
the migrants are easily registered as voters under political patronage
. Similarly the issue of ration cards to migrants be strictly
monitored. In ration cards at least they draw benefits from the state
.Non Registration/ cancellation Certificates from their original
places are  procured at a price ranging from Rs 500 to Rs 1500.
Our politicians are very much concerned , when it comes to voting, but
in the mean time do precious little to see that Goans not residing in
the place for 6 months, due to employment are not deleted from the
roles .Holding of a mere voting card absolutely precludes misuse and
bogus voting Hence the clause of 6moths residency in case of permanent
Goan residents, with house, property, etc need s a rethink and if need
be thy law should be modified/ amended.
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 9850926276.

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