The Bandh that was gloated upon
The Goa bandh to express the displeasure on MOI appeared to be great
success to the organisers and their supporters. The BJP only rode pigy
back on the organisers movement because they had no support on their
own or faith in their own strenght. The sinister intentions are to
perpetuate Marathi , state language of Marashtra, under the guise of
protecting regional languages including Kanada, Urdu.Marathi medium
schools never taught Konkani and never will ,in spite of being the
official language, and on which basis  Indian states re reorganised
The badh appeared to be supported by those in power  at the Govt
level, who did precious little to invoke relevant provisions of the
statutes S.C has said that organisers of bandh should be held
accountable to the loss and be made to pay The public transport
closure and inadequate Govt transport facilities  made it impossible
for normal life to function Buisness down their shutters as a
precaution against vandalism and potential loss Forcefully the
sympathizers demanded compliance under threats. Many private vehicles
were stopped and stoned as the police could not provide protection at
all places simultaneously It is a disgrace for Parikar a former C,M,
to serve an ultimatum to the Govt. to  arrest him, thus propa  For
many it was a day off from office and not school attendance When
Konkani or Marathi is to be a compulsory subject up to Std X, what is
the objection ?Did the organisers have any formal education in Konkani
and who should preserve the official language Konkani? Spoken Konkani
and in Romi script kept Konkani alive without any state recognition/
awards and without being taught in schools and these are unsung heroes
of immortalised Konkani language.In the name of regional language the
massses are denied vertical movement and are intended to be suppressed
 under a guise of identity, These very persons wanted to merge Goa
into Marashtra, destroy its identity are espousing the concern for
regional languages, but have no guts to spell it as konkani and
Konkani alone, which is also the official language The distinct
identity can only be Konkani language. Nobody for a moment is asking
for the closure of Marathi medium schools, but they rightly fear that
these schools will die a natural death , when the parents exercise
their choice and democratic freedom in the best interest of their
wards They have seen through their veil of creating a class of
citizens with money power to get what they like in education The study
of konkani formally does not serve you beyond the borders or even
within the state for preferential employment in services Nobody called
for bandhs at the spread of islands of private English Medium schools
for the rich and privileged.20 years of konkani medium schools and 20
years of English medium schools have opened the eyes of the parents to
the reality The politicians want to divide the people for their
survival. Mr Parikar and Mrs Kakodkar speak on;ly for your grand
children now, at the best  Not only is the English world language ,
but is the language of courts , business . administration and higher
education and one that unites all Indians dispassionately. Legally too
grants cannot be discriminated  based on language criteria Parents do
not want the politicians or the arm chair specialist to decide for
their wards Mr Parikar will see that like Advani he will always be in
waiting , sadly for the illusive chair
Nelson Lopes chinchinim 9850926276

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