Till the time of the BJP surgical strike on the 10 INC MLA's in Goa the INC
neither has a "Head" in position at National nor the State Party level.?
Being a rudderless ship the INC mergers feared the worst and? jumped ship?
Interpreting the intent of the 2/3 merger as incorporated in the generally
referred to as the "Anti Defection Law " as a merger of the party at the
National level and NOT at the State level is incorrect.? ?
If that was the intent of the enactment then such a situation would arise
in only a rare circumstance in the case of recognized National Parties
though in case of State Parties it would be applicable.?
There is no such mention in the Act distinguishing between merger in the
case of recognized National and State parties though these are separately
In the above circumstances, the merger is in order.
Whether to go in for stability of the Government based on the support
of?non-BJP parties or stand on its own strength it is the directions of the
party organization to decide on this and direct the CM. Party is supreme.?
It is the CM who needs to pursue the policies of the party and hence to
achieve this he has to have an obstacle-free path.
Looking at the BJP with the same glasses as it stood in its earlier "Avtar"
as the right-wing Hindu fundamentalist party, prior to achieving the 303
mandate is erroneous.
The PM has a time-bound agenda for the country for his BJP to achieve
before completion of 75 years of Independence ( 15.08.1947 to 14.08.2022)
i.e for a new India.
In his vision there will be only two divisions in the country viz; (i)??to
bring the poor out of the economic dilemma they are into owing to the
lopsided policies over the years by the previous (pre-2014 era) and
(ii)??those contributing to pursue this agenda.? ?Caste, &? Religion will
take a back seat and eventually be wiped out.

GODFREY J. I. GONSALVES, cyber journo social activist BORDA, MARGAO, 403
602, GOA. (INDIA) +91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) gonsalvesgodfre...@yahoo.co.in

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