Dear Jose,

Greetings to you -  I do hope my "intriguiging" question has not
contributed to the hot air .

You are quite right to raise the question of definitions.  I have
visited the Goa Forum website and found your definition of a Goan to

"Erstwhile non-Goans including the labour force from the surrounding
States who have contributed to Goa, and have made Goa their home both
physically and emotionally. They have given their heart and sweat to

Quite frankly I feel that painfully patronising.  

Another definition of a Goan: I have come across references to the
devotees of goa trance music in the UK refer to themselves and each
other as Goans!  

What is my definition of a Goan?  Answer:  Anyone who has roots in Goa.

I deliberately chose not to ask about Britain for the British but
instead England for the English

You obviously followed the gist of my thoughts.  No point in splitting
hairs, don't you agree?

Best wishes

Eddie Fernandes
-----Original Message-----
From:  Jose Colaco

I found your question quite intriguiging. Forgive me if I do the Bill 
Clinton (never mind Mario and Viviana) and say ....Depends on what one
by the word English or Englishman....Indian, Goan etc.

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