What are the parent`s expectations?

Happines is the primary aim of education, which connotes various other

Only those  that are in a happy state of mind  , will  be able to transmit
this trait effectively in their offspring’s.  The present generation with
all the scientific progress and amenities seemed to be more stressed and
depressed in comparison. The time saved on monotonous, routine activities
is spent in front of T,V. Hence the ratio of depressed individuals is one
in five for women and one in six for men and is very alarming. We make
these choices willingly and consciously at most time and hence suffer the

The main focus of the parents is study, scoring and faith in tuitions right
from K.G classes. It builds tremendous pressure to excel under all
circumstances. There is hardly any time for the children both at school and
home to engage in sports and other creative activities. The accent should
be on effective concentration, which could two hours daily. ,In stead the
students learn to waste time, disinterested , develop hate and aversion
with academic pursuits at all times

Happiness must spring from within through involvement of creative
activities, rather than momentary pleasures What are the parent’s


 The basic reason to educate children is to make them happy and which
connotes various derivatives. If the parents themselves are not happy
individuals in their relationshipsderived by activities from outside
(listening to music, T.V. video games, and mobiles)

Health is another factor that contributes to happiness. Unfortunately the
clamour for junk food has led to the development of life style diseases in
children too early in life. like obesity, heart , kidney, blood pressure
and diabetes Emphasis on healthy diet is the urgent need. Both the Parents
and children need to have regular exercise and permit children to actively
engage in sports. Children imbibe the habits from parents The schools too
give precedence to academic results more than sports participation in their
appreciation, recognition, rewards, Fortunately this mentality is
undergoing a sea change with sports achievements given credits

 Interpersonal relations help to resolve conflicts and problems
satisfactorily. Looking beyond ourselves gives a broader perspective and
meaning to life. In ability to manage conflicts leads to unhappiness and
violent explosion in behaviour. Parents that value, encourage interpersonal
relations lay a good foundation, In chasing happiness the satisfied
attitude leads to stagnation and hence creative, fulfilling tasks elevate
abilities with satisfaction to a new level

Finance too has bearing on happiness, Parents slog to meet the un called
for  demands and satisfy children   and as a result have less interaction
with them .

Happy, confident children are the dream of all parents. To realise it ,they
must effectively and actively engage in studies and  sports, Healthy diet,
health, exercise interpersonal relations and finance, time management can
achieve the desired state of happiness, which is the ultimate goal of

Dr Bevinda Viegas Muller is a practicing psychiatrist, a multi faceted
personality, a writer, columnist  a sports enthusiast. The synopsis is the
address to the parents of Mount Mary`s  Secondary High School, Chinchinim
on the occasion of annual PTA meeting on 19/7/2014

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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