In a very interesting article in yesterday’s Herald we see Cortalim
MLA and Deputy Speaker, Mauvin Godinho requesting Chief Minister
Digambar Kamat to make available land admeasuring one lakh square
meters to the six village panchayats in his constituency to set up a
garbage treatment plant. He claims that the village panchayats are
willing to set up a modern waste processing pant if the government
makes available the land. “We are ready to put up a modern plant. Only
give us the required land, may be around one lakh square meters”,
Godinho said.

FYI The land being acquired for the MOPA Airport Project by the Goa
Government is also around one lakh square metres. Nowadays it’s
fashionable for our Goan politicians to speak about a lakh square
metres of Goan land for any con-scheme, but hold your breath the Goa
Government too is very generous in donating to their own when it comes
to such  rogue schemes. So how about each of the 40 MLAs ask their
benevolent Chief Minister to give them similar amounts of land for
each of their constituencies? These are the Goan piranhas who will
strip our Goans and our beloved bare!

Talk about garbage being a very lucrative business – isn’t it now even
better Mr. Mavin Godinho than real-estate and the mining industries?
Pray tell us how much of this land you plan to give  to your dear
cousin ex-Velsao Sarpanch Aggie Alcacoas of Queeny Realty and Aboobakr
Shaikh for development?  This was the same Minister of the Power
Scandal fame who siphoned off over Rs 110 million!

I’m attaching the article from The Herald along with the comments
posted by readers in this regard which does make for some interesting


Mauvin leading effort for garbage treatment plant

Mauvin leading effort for garbage treatment plant HERALD REPORTER

At a time when most panchayats are struggling to dispose off their
garbage due to lack of a disposal site, Deputy Speaker and Cortalim
MLA Mauvin Godinho has taken an initiative to set up a garbage
treatment plant to cater to all six panchayats in Mormugao taluka.

A meeting of various State government heads, Central government
officials, elected representatives from six different panchayats from
Mormugao taluka, NGOs and social workers was convened on Saturday
morning to work out a short, medium and long term solution to tackle
garbage and maintain cleanliness in the taluka.

Godinho said he has plans to set up a garbage treatment plant for six
panchayats and added that Chief Minister Digamber Kamat had agreed to
allot land either at the Sancoale industrial estate or Verna
industrial estate.

“We have been pursuing this matter continuously for some time and this
plan should be finalized within the next three months,” added Godinho.

He said a large chunk of land has been acquired by GIDC at Verna
Industrial Estate, as he had demanded 50,000 sq mtrs for the garbage

“I have sought an additional 50,000 sq mtrs to ensure that half the
area is covered by trees to cover the garbage treatment plant and to
avoid any foul odor at the site,” said the deputy speaker.

He informed that the Airports Authority of India does not want the
garbage treatment plant to be set up within a 10-km radius of the
airport, which covers almost the whole of his constituency, because of
bird hits that could pose a serious threat to planes. As a result,
most panchayats in the vicinity have been struggling to find a garbage
disposal site in the area.

“The new garbage plant would even cater to Vasco town, as its existing
garbage treatment plant is in a mess and large heaps of garbage
accumulated at the plant is seeping into the sea,” said Godinho.

He announced that a massive plastic cleanliness drive along the
Chicalim garden, Airport junction, MES college junction and Meta
Copper Alloy, Sancoale, would be carried on July 31 from 9 am, with
the participation of villagers, elected representatives, school
students and NGOs.


Sunday, July 18th, 2010

A word of caution dear Sunny, when you mentioned the British
Government, I am sure our political babus are already motivated with
your idea so why not take this excuse and go to Britain? Our
politicians had been around the World to learn things but done
nothing. Some had been ot the World Cup stadium to learn
infrastructure there, that was our money dear.


Sunday, July 18th, 2010



Sunday, July 18th, 2010


Sunny Fernandes

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

I dont understant whats the fuss on the garbage issue,let our so
called BABUs running Goa, take training from the British Govt to learn
how to convert Garbage into recycleable products,and set up proper
plants to cater to the rising population,instead of just giving
licences to build buildings,but i am sure noting will happen,as long
as their pockets are not filled for their generations to suffer and
GET THE CURSES of the people.

Reuben S

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Mauvin is just trying to garner some attention after the people of his
constituency have realized just how big of an rascal he is by
displacing the native Goan populace from that area and getting in a
dedicated migrant votebank. We Goans are already outnumbered with 3 in
every five people in the constituency being from outside Goa (a friend
of mine works in the census dept.). This is going to be the scene in
the rest of Goa very soon. We have to stand up against this cultural
and linguistic invasion or we will one day be strangers in our own
land. With the increasing demography change its easy to see how
regular tourists are shunning our Goa. If gangsters and traitors like
Mauvin are not kicked out of power today there is not going to be a
future for the Goenkar tomorrow. Ironically it will be the migrants
who are going to select and elect their own representatives sometime
in the future as a replacement to our own ministers unless we kick
them out today. Then it will be the mallus, punjabi pathans, bihari
bhaiyas, bengali babus, maratha manoos, tamilisns, kashmiris, isralies
and russkies who are going to be the new Goenkars...and we will be the


Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Mauvin leading garbage treatment? what a joke! Mauvin is a
crook...even his father could not digest his nefarious activities..the
result his honest father commit suicide at Mangor-vasco.....and the
people who elect him are illeterates...for the people of cortalim Goa
unlike rest of Goa have blessed a man with honest and uncorruptable
integrity...a man who is always ready to lead goans to safeguard its
identity that is Mathany Saldanha...but the wicked people of Cortalim
need thief,daylight robber,anti-Goan and selfish chor Mauvin to
fullfilled their pockets by kicking poor Goans...time will come
Cortalim will be ruled by outsider as in the case of sancoale

Praxy Fernandes

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Thanks Trevor for enlightening me on the squealing ministers and
politicians but I differ with you on one aspect, I am still waiting to
cast my vote for the right politician or waiting for the moment till
the election commission of India grants me the freedom to cast a
NEGATIVE vote. So I am still not involved in electing these rogues.
Even i didnt vote for my close friend and college colleague who
contested and won the seat on BJP ticket. BUt its time mauvin wakes up
and clarifies as to why he is promoting mega projects in his
constituency meant for ghantis and outsiders and that too by
destroying the trees and environment, least to mention the funds for
this mega building project comes from the terror states


Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Praxy, why are u getting upset?.....the mega projects are so that I
can get a job as a 'security guard'. I am not able to get a job at the
government offices in Goa, I think one has be from 'out to state' to
qualify for those jobs. As one of our ministers stated I need to happy
that as a qualified person I will at least get the 'security guard'
job at these mega projects. Our ministers think we are better off
working as maids, servants and security guards. That is the vision for
Goa...Don't forget, we elected these people..

Praxy Fernandes

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Its time we stop all constructions in the state till all ghanti
builders are sent packing home alongwith their rogue labourers from
Bihar and UP, karanataka & maharashtra. Mauvin should first stop the
mega project which he is pursuing so vigourously and to which licenses
have been granted without proper assessment and checks. This mega
housing colony is built by some muslim outsider with funds from the
arab & terrorist world

Diogo Fichardo

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

The garbage situation in Goa will be a never ending tale. Despite the
poor infrastructure in the state permission is being granted to build
colonies and increase population. Educating the mass in garbage
disposal and recycling is a must. In the old days burning garbage in
the evenings not only helped in making ash for the fields but also
helped control mosquitoes . It's time the Goan Government acts now
before an epidemic strikes the entire state.

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