MONDAY MUSE (7 June 2010)


One night, a businessman was working late in his office on a crucial 
assignment. He was exhausted and was finding it difficult to remain awake. He 
reached out for the bottle of coffee that his secretary kept in her desk and 
made himself a hot cup of coffee. He immediately felt refreshed and was able to 
complete his work.

He mused over the magic produced by the cup of coffee in altering his tired 
mind into alertness. He was convinced that the crucial ingredient in the coffee 
that made the conversion possible – caffeine – was indeed a remarkable 
substance. He decided that he should thank his secretary for her thoughtfulness 
in keeping that coffee bottle in the office.

The next day, he presented a box of sweets to his secretary, profusely thanked 
her and waxed eloquent about the wonders of caffeine that was in the coffee 
that was in the bottle in her desk… Hearing this, his secretary began laughing 
and showed him the label of the coffee bottle which read – decaffeinated coffee!

His ‘belief’ that caffeine would drive away his tiredness transformed his state 
of mind. If he chose to believe, even a plain glass of water would have had the 
same effect. Our mind rules our body and our beliefs rule our mind. It is 
pertinent to note that conviction borne of strong belief needs no other 
crutches! Not even caffeine! 

No need for crutches like cups of caffeine, 
Let’s BE BETTER at beliefs that sustain!

- Pravin K. Sabnis 

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