DSE and employees Association

The birth of DES employees Association is the  germination of simmering
discontent, brewing of suppressed, pent up  emotions that have now found an
outlet after years of DSE establishment.. The Association of teaching and
non teaching employees must be seen as a legitimate exercise to express
fearlessly their legitimate rights and grievances. Hence  it should be seen
not as a confrontational entity but rather  as  facilitators of  genuine
causes.. Employees at times,often have to meekly submit to subjective
diktats under threat to resign  with  an overbearing attitudes of
authorities and  with Ex Offico Chairman and President of DSE   not
normally interfering, to  mediate even on appeal.. There is at present no
redressal mechanism in the vast organisation. What then is the remedy
against absolute authoritarian streaks?  In order  to bring objectivity,
transparency and dialogue this organization is to be welcomed and office
bearers treated with due respect and not with arrogance and disdain , if
 press reports are  to be belived as authentic .The appointment of  a
special committee to scrutinize, recommend  child care is no consolation, a
 fruitless exercise of bureaucracy  to hide behind cloak of delay and
denial and has no legitimacy whatsoever.

There are contentious issues   and denial on Child care leave, a social
beneficial legislations conferred by Govt. specillay for women in the
family   must not be overidden.. There cannot be rules within rules in
compliance   with unambiguous directives, which puts no restrictive clauses
and scope for misinterpretations and subjectivity, The C.M, an ex teacher
himself and in his capacity as Minister of Education is on record
expressing displeasure at the  injustice, when the Govt, is totally
committed to the additional financial expenditure on substitute teacher
 salary and maitenace grants.  The only requirement should be sufficient
notice to make arrangements before the employee proceeds on leave and
handing over the charge. The appointment of committee by DSE to scrutinize
such request is totally misplaced and indicative of hardened attitude
towards its employees. It may be pertinent to state that the Secretary
absents himself too frequently on foreign trips over 2/3 months instead of
a month, at the beginning of crucila  academic session, while   replacing
those who leave to beat the  harsh weather conditions. His sanctioned
 ecclesiastical leave for personal enrichment with no bearing on
administration is a hindrance to smooth functioning during this most
 crucial period. .Decision are postponed, kept in abeyance till his return
 There is no consolation or  merit of substitute arrangements, who  have
 no authority to take decisons and if substitutes can do the job, the
position of the Secretary is reduntant.The record  in contrasts of leave
availed by late Secretary  Rev, Canon  Antimo  is an example in  moral
rectitude  and self imposed restrictions  in larger interests of
administration, Who is more germane to the  vital administration one may
question- a Secretary with no restrictions on personal leave of absence,
controlling number of Institutions at primary, secondary, higher secondary
and college level or some non discrete employee in one institution?
Indispensability of an employee vis a vis the privilege to leave by the
Secretary is a the most flimsy excuse to stomach and least convincing.. The
discretion, if any must be reasonably justified , convincing and addressed
to facilitate and not to absolute reject with impunity of authority. That
some employees were forced to knock at the doors of Courts to seek redressal
shows the height of insensitivity driving a wedge  and  seeding soured
relationships not conducive to progress

Over the years a committee should have been  apointed to  deal with
 serious contentious issues like service conditions related to transfers,
promotions. all  types  of Leave , define roles and duties of Heads,
Mangers, DSE to avoid areas of conflict management that are a festering
problems in smooth administration. The lines of separation must be clearly
specified with no scope of intrpretaions and discretions as far as
possible. The appointment letters then did refer to service conditions
prepared by Fr Antimo , but were not included as a part of appointment
order and  such service conditions should not be in variance with
directives of Education department. These service conditions should be
revisited to avoid partiality, favoritism, subjectivity so that perception
of threats , victimization , punishment are relegated to the background and
any such exercise shoould be perceived sa fair just and eqitable.  The heart
burning  issue of transfers need to me  clearly spelt out,,made more humane
with due considerations and understanding  of length of service at one
station, distances involved in travelling, family and health problems ,as a
merciful catholic arm of the Church .  Transfers visualized, perceived as
punishments will curb spontaneous   contributions and hardening of
attitudes in retaliation, where co operation is key component of all
progress.,Rev. Canon   Saturnino Dias during his brief stint as then
President of DSE made  a  valiant attempt to revisit the roles and
functions of Secretary, President to meet the exigencies of time and so did
Canon Antimo in spite of attempts to malign their  sincere intentions to
remedy  and strengthen situations of  administrations objectively and
meanigful. President of DSE appears to be a more ornamental figure head as

It is  aappraise worthy, well thought effort of appreciating, recognizing
publicly the services of its employees and also   facilitating meritorious
students of DSE s giving all  a sense of belonging to  and  to be proud of
the  parent organization. thus fostering the spirit of unity .The DSE
controls a large number of  institutions and employees.. It must appoint a
committee to encourage,,apply at DSE level, for prestigious State and
National  teacher awards in all categories, then  scrutinise, recommend ,
forward  applications with comments at DSE  that will definitely have
weight of considerations.

Associations of DSE, teaching and non teaching  employees are docile and
non militant ,not trade unions in their approach and must be  encouraged to
understand mutual concerns of legitimacy, but are primarily established to
further  the objective causes of its members within the expressed frame
work of regulations Misinterpreting their roles and intentions in a
democratic country will be counter productive in the field of Education and
will also  lead to proliferation of undesirable  students unions which may
be a thorn in the flesh

Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim

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