Sudeep Chakravarti (born 1963) is the author of the bestselling debut novel 
Tin Fish, published in 2005. He has since had two more works published, both 
in 2008. Red Sun - Travels in Naxalite Country, a work of narrative 
non-fiction, is a critically acclaimed bestseller. Once Upon a Time in 
Aparanta is a satire set in the churn of present-day Goa. Chakravarti is 
also a columnist, professional futurist, and consultant to media. He lives 
in Goa, where he is engaged in writing his third novel, a second work of 
non-fiction, and setting up a marine conservation initiative. This is his 
first short story.

AND SO, to Sinbad's lair. The cocaine whores are already there when I 
arrive. Sinbad likes cocaine whores: boys and girls; and if they come by, 
in-betweens. Having them around fills his sails. It's a sickle moon tonight, 
and sickly, captured by streamers of cloud. Even with the moon largeand 
luminous, free in the sky, there is a curious space between the wrought iron 
gate and the verandah. This is a walk of only a dozen steps, a chessboard of 
velvet grass and granite that keeps at bay tentative rushes of palm, 
hibiscus and bird of paradise. Here, the light from the sharp gate lamps and 
bright rainbow souk-lanterns on the balcony, the laughter of the whores, the 
chink of glasses touching or the urgent sound of one breaking, are all 

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