Hi Jorge,

I whole heartedly agree with you. If the church in Goa is only interested in 
helping Poor others in preference to Poor Goans, then why should we support 
them? The proverb God helps those who help themselves should apply. All the 
money we contribute to the church should henceforth be diverted into an account 
managed by a committee of Poor Goans from which should emanate funds to help 
poor Goans with hospital fees, medicines, food for the poor,shelters schools  
and other worthy causes. We will then see how these Priests who care more for 
non Catholics will survive. This should change their attitude and rope them 
into caring for their flock first as they see their primary source of income 
cut off. 

If they threaten to Excommunicate us en mass, tell them to go ahead and do so. 
What good is a church without a congregation?

This is the only we will be able to change their attitude. 

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

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