Remo is a renowned Goan icon in his own right,

And for many worthy causes does manfully fight.

His views on the crab mentality and the outsider

Need to be publicised much wider -

Hopefully some solutions he will soon bring to light.
- Shanti Dhoot


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 04:01:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Remo speaks out (TOI, May 8,

Excerpts of a TOI interview with Remo Fernandes:

What disturbs you most about Goa?

The few crab-minded Goans who are hell-bent on manifesting all that is worst
about Goa: those who attack fellow Goans who try to fight for Goa. They are
the ones who do Goa most harm, for they destroy the only thing which could
save Goa: Goan Unity. And by fighting fellow-Goans, they hand over Goa on a
platter to those who are sweeping Goa from under our feet and laughing all
the way to their Swiss Banks.

Do you also feel that Goa is being invaded by outsiders?

But, of course, it is. Tiny natural paradises like Goa, Ooty, Simla, Dehra
Dun, etc., are too small and fragile to accommodate an onslaught of people
from out of state.  I would declare such places ecologically protected, and
restrict land sale to locals only. They
in turn would build just enough environment friendly hotels and tourist
accommodations where visitors could come and enjoy the natural and cultural
riches of these places ? and then go home.  Instead, we?re systematically
destroying each and every paradise through over construction and
urbanisation. Once we destroy them all, where do we go on a   holiday? to



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