
The voice of the People is the voice of God, or so says the Latin dictum Vox 
Populi, Vox Dei." So far the GBA has religiously listened to the voice of the 
people and, as in the case of prophets thrown up from among the people since 
anchient days, warned the government to mend its ways or to face eternal 
damnation. Herodias used the dancing skills of her daughter, Salomi, to get the 
head of St. John the Baptist. Goans celebrate Sanv Juanv every year on the day 
that marks the killing of John. they are now witnesses to another attempt to 
execute the ones who deliver the message of hope to the establishment. We do 
not have a Herod. This is not Judea. But this is the same thing.

You have sung praises of the Oscar. Now dance! That is the message from Oscar 
in the GT yesterday.

Mog asundi.


Promised Land and Participatory Planning 
After the “Tower of Babel” come Abraham, Sarah and Hagar?

Thirty three weeks ago today, in late December, 2007 this column was entitled 
“Participatory Planning and Development: Can Goa learn from the NEPED 
experience?” The opening sentence read thus: “People’s Participatory Planning 
[PPP], that involves the people who are the end-users of the development, is 
better than mere Public-Private Partnership [also PPP] that is being touted as 
an alternate model of development in cash strapped economies like India.” Even 
earlier to that I had written about the confusion unleashed in Goa after the 
Official Language Act, 1987. We may have got Konkani in the Schedule VIII via 
the 71st amendment to the Constitution of India, passed by the Parliament on 20 
August, 1992 and notified on 31 August the same year. It is still a veritable 
Tower of Babel [Genesis 11: 1 to 9] where everyone speaks and few “understand” 
each other. Little did I realize that there would an occasion to quote from the 
very next chapter of
 the “Book of Creation” commonly known by its Latin name, Genesis.

I have even made a presentation [on NEPED] to the GBA Core Group and the 
teeming Taluka Coordinators on 09 June, 2008 at the BPS Club, Margao

On that occasion, Soter D’Souza made the first presentation on “planning” 
process as per Article 243 ZD of the Indian Constitution, post 73rd and 74th 
amendments of 1992. Architect Dean D’ Cruz made a presentation on the 
“Integrated Participatory Planning System” that finds place in the Annexure to 
the “Interim Report” of the Task Force and is now being touted by some as the 
‘GBA model’, the non-approval of which has allegedly resulted in one 
unconfirmed resignation from the Task Force on RPG-2021. This was followed by 
the presentation of the “Shawsville Village Plan” by Reboni Saha, who has taken 
the reins of the GBA Secretary from her illustrious predecessor, Patricia 
Pinto, on 31 March, 2008. I spoke last and it was followed by lively 
interaction at the most “well-attended” meeting of the expanded Core Group that 
spilled out of the rather spacious Conference hall of the BPS Club. GBA 
supporters from as far away as Sanguem
 and Canacona were present till the very end of the meeting and for a long time 
thereafter. It is the fiery spirit that drives us all.
The Goa General Administration tends to live by “tokenism”. 

 “Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned” wrote John Milton in “Paradise Lost”. 
Rumours have it that the GBA is suffering from similar fury in the newspapers. 
 In Hebrew, the word “Isaac” means “he laughs”. The English have a saying that 
completes the sentence, “He laughs best who laughs last.” Genesis is a very 
creative book to read. Try it.

Miguel Braganza


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