
Dr. Nandkumar Kamat

( A treasure trove of Mesolithic rock art, the oldest so far in Goa was
discovered last week  by the writer. He knows that if the discovery is given
publicity the site would be rapidly vandalized. And if it is not published
then it is as good as having never existed before. )

:After making an epochal discovery:

I knew that I had walked here before,

Ages ago,

I knew that the essence of biosphere,

Which made me,

Had been at these coordinates,


So the discovery,

Was a rediscovery

Of myself, my own roots,

I discovered the oldest rock art,

At the most unlikely place,

Near the concrete forest,

It was a sign,

>From the past to the present,

Here are the marks, the carvings told me,

Of the first human footprints,

On this island,

The first nomads,

The first travellers,

The first visitors,

The pioneers,

What shall I do with this epochal discovery,

In Mesolithic global rock art?

Who shall care,

And if I disclose,

The art would vanish in a week,

After some media interest,

A few VIP visits, some intellectual masturbation,

Pulverized to pieces,

The art would be lost forever…

It is just amazing,

How these marks revealed themselves to me,

It is still amazing when you know,

That you had been here before so many times,

But what is revealed now was unknown,

Then you see it, suddenly, freeze there,

You see the magic of the stone,

Precisely that could be the original purpose,

To bring the discoverer to the same coordinates,

In space and time,

Align the world lines,

And challenge the mind…look..read…solve the puzzle

I did it..

The epochal discovery

Made me humble, simple, perplexed, thoughtful,

What follows, who knows,

To publish or not to publish,

That’s the question now!
I am still waiting for its’ solution….

July 29, 2010

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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