Who is responsible for the Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) Fiasco?

A dangling question which is similar to a balloon blowing an ill wind
and is flying high above the sacred red soil of Goa.

And, no doubt, is asking the all-important question: Who is
responsible for the Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) fiasco?

Can you conceive of a more incompetent agency than the one allotted to
plan the CZMP?

Two of Goa's rivers are missing from the plan and also a whole beach
is missing! Do we have to pay for this kind of shoddy work?

You will find hundreds of mistakes, such as, houses are not shown on
the plan, dunes are shown where there are no sand dunes, and dunes are
also shown in the wrong location.

The fishermen and fishing community might as well be declared as
extinct as the dinosaur!

Who is responsible for giving the agency the job? One or several people?

They should resign first, then the mistakes in the plan can be corrected!

How much was paid to this incompetent company for making a plan which
is full of mega mistakes?

Now, this so-called plan will not only affect the future of lakhs of
people who are living in the state today but also future generations.

The plans have gone to the various panchayats but a lot of them have
been moving slower than a tortoise!

The government has given the stakeholders not enough time to discuss
the issue, and worse, correct the blinding errors!

The people of Goa are united in their objective of persevering the environment!

And, so it is a waste of government time and money to try and pull the
wool over the public's eye at this stage.

Isn't anyone going to take responsibility for the unconscionable
behavior and waste of tax payers money?

I ask once again: Who is responsible for giving the job to this
incompetent Chennai company?

No one? Then I guess it is God who is responsible, and the people of
Goa can do nothing about it!

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