Dogui Bodmas: VCD in the offing?

Ban CD sale in entire Goa: Andrade

MARGAO: Even as smoke still emanates from the fire lit by the
audio CD 'Dogui Bodmash', the Colva Parish Pastoral Council
apprehends production of its video version -- a VCD -- on
this very issue.

The Moderator of the Council, Jason Andrade wants the state
government to nip any such move on the part of anyone to
initiate such an action.

At the same time, Andrade has also expressed his displeasure
over the 'compartmentalisation' of the state into North and
South districts while enforcing a ban on the controversial
audio CD 'Dogui Bodmash.'

Referring to the Additional District Magistrate's fiat of
banning the CD only in South Goa, Andrade now wants the state
government to extend the ban uniformly throughout the state.

"It appears that the conspiracy of the above accused (Calvert
Gonsalves) is still on as far as conceptualising, directing
and recording of video CD of the same subject matter as the
audio CD above is concerned as the said intention is clearly
reflected on the audio CD cover 'Dogui Bodmash.' We demand
that this intended action of the alleged accused in bringing
the VCD version of the same be pre-empted by the state
government by necessary action in that regard," demands Andrade.

He has also doled out a piece of advice to the advocate
representing the alleged producer of the controversial CD for
making 'unwarranted statements' to the media. "They are only
intended to bring in some publicity which is devoid of any
merits. An advocate is meant to defend his client in the
court and not make off the record statements to the press,"
avers Andrade.

The Moderator has not spared the media either. He wants the
media 'to objectively rationally and with sensitivity and
responsibility to cover such events that require coverage in
the interest of justice and to represent true facts in true
perspective to the people.'

Andrade has put forth the aforesaid views in a press release
issued yesterday, January 8, in his capacity as the Moderator
of the Colva Parish Pastoral Council and has also included
parishioners/constituents/components of Colva.

Source: Gomantak Times

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