The Part-Time Glory Makers

          What was it about the Kenyan coastal capital that
          produced the largest number of male and female
          track athletes, among them the greatest Goan
          athlete of all time: the 1962 Commonwealth Games
          double sprint gold medalist Seraphino Antao? There
          has never been a Goan or East African sprinter of
          his ilk again.

Was it the sea air, the fresh fish curry and rice (the Goan
national staple diet), an abundant array of fruit, fresh
young delicious coconuts that continue to live in the memory
of those who tasted them, was it the club: the Mombasa Goan
Institute, was it the girls and boys Goan schools, was it the
soft beach sands of Mombasa, or was it the genius of coach
Ray Batchelor that was responsible for as many as five or six
stunning male sprinters (Albert Castanha, Joe Faria, Jack
Fernandes, Antao, Pascal) which molded into the finest sprint
relay teams had ever seen and remained so for a long time,
three female sprinters, a couple of middle distance
specialists, a large number of soccer and hockey players
(four or five who played for Kenya), one of whom, Albert
Castanha, played international football and hockey for Kenya
and was on the verge of Olympic selection as a sprinter but
sadly fell short at the last moment? Was it the fact that
they all banded together and formed the wonderful Achilles
Athletics Club under Ray Batchelor and dragged each other
beyond the individual limits of achievement?

Or was it just the nature of the things? It was a time before
television and there was little or nothing of interest on the
radio but carrying on doing the leisure things that had won
their hearts as young school children was the natural thing
to do?

Again, what set Antao apart from his compatriots? Was it the
rivalry amongst them? Did they spur each other on?

Albert Castanha had dominated Antao and the others for many
years before Antao took off on his own towards gold medal
glory. Once he achieved his impossible dream, he was the
toast of the international track world. If only he had
dragged the other Goan sprinters with him, what a wonderful
world that might have been!

Similarly, what was it about the mild temperate climate in
Nairobi at an elevation of 5,889 feet above the sea level?
Was it the dust, from the murram fields the young players
practised on, the Dr Ribeiro Goan School which produced all
of the Goan Olympians born in Kenya and some from outside
Kenya or was school coach and teacher Anthony De Souza the
factor? Many will swear that it was really De Souza's
coaching skills, honed on his own experiences of playing for
the Lusitanians in Bombay and other parts of India that made
the difference. Others will say it was his caring and kind
but firm attitude coupled with his experience as a hockey
player at the top layer of the game that made the difference.
Whatever it was, it meant that at least a dozen or more
players were selected for and played in the Olympics Games.
Yet others represented Kenyan in internationals both at home
and away. Only three players from the coast were Olympians
and a few others were capped for Kenya.

Seraphino Antao

At school, he mainly played soccer like everyone else. Then
one day his cousin Effie Antao asked him to come and take
part in the annual East African Railways and Harbours
athletics carnival. Seraphino ran barefoot and easily won the
100 yards and the 200 yards. A future star was unearthed that

That was in 1956 and within a few months he had equaled the
Kenya records for both sprints, a modest 10 seconds for the
100 yards. Much later he actually broke the world record for
the 200 yards but that was ruled out because of wind

Later, in 1957, be broke the Kenya records for the sprints
and continued to improve upon them in the ensuing years.

He improved in the 100 yards to 9.7 and improved even more
after first tasting international competition in the 1958
Empire Games (a pre-cursor to the modern Commonwealth Games).

         At the Rome Olympics in 1960, he reached the
         semi-finals of the 100 metres and the second round
         of the 200 metres. In the first heats of the 100
         metres, he had easily beaten Armin Harry clocking
         10.5. However, Harry went on to win the semi-finals
         and the Gold Medal. Seraphino finished sixth in his
         semi-final but he was delighted with his
         performances in both sprints.

The American *Jet* magazine, in its edition of July, 12 1962,
reported: "African runner ties 100-yard dash record: During
an international track and field meeting in Dublin, Ireland,
Seraphino Antao of Kenya, East Africa, clocked a new world
record tying for the 100-yard dash time of 9.2 seconds to win
the event by more than eight yards over his nearest
competitor. However, the time will not be sanctioned because
of the nine mile per hour trailing wind rule."

Over the next two years he was winning races wherever he ran
and there was the promise of a medal, if not a gold medal, at
the Tokyo Olympics in 1964. Everyone who mentioned sports
around the world spoke of him as a future Olympic champion.

Antao at the Rome Olympics Quarter Finals.

In June 1964, Seraphino's preparation for Tokyo 1964 was
going well and as he headed for Europe he was confident of
great things. During the Kenya trials at Lower Kabete, just
outside of Nairobi, he had clocked a wind-assisted 9.5
seconds for the 100 yards and 21.1 for the 220 yards. He
maintained the mark for the 100 yards in the Kenya
championships in Kisumu but improved his time for the 220
setting a respectable 20.8 seconds.

In Europe he had been in scintillating form winning at the
White City in London, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Sweden, and
many other countries.

Before he left with the Kenya team for Tokyo, he had told me
he was feeling really good about the challenges ahead. He
felt, at 27 years of age, he was nearing the peak of his
form. He was very confident.

On the day before the flag raising ceremony (two days before
the heats of the 100 metres), we got the news that he had
been struck down with mild influenza and the country held its
breath which later turned to complete heartbreak because he
never recovered enough to run at his best. While he was
nothing but confident arriving in Tokyo, he had a worrying
secret: He was also carrying a hamstring injury which he had
suffered in training. He was confident it would heal by the
time the heats for the sprints started. It was not to be. He
put in a brave effort losing in the second round of the 200
metres heats and running fourth in the first round of the 100
metres heats.

          He knew the day before the opening ceremony that
          all was not well with him. He feared he would not
          be able to run at all. Disappointed, he handed the
          Kenya flag which he was due to carry at the lead of
          the Kenya team into the stadium to his friend, the
          great Kipchoge Keino.

A few days later he made his mind up to quit athletics
altogether. He was shattered, to say the least. Many months
later when I spoke to him, there were tears in his eyes when
he spoke of the disappointment of Tokyo. "I just could not
get myself go through it all again ... sometimes training at
daybreak and late into the night, no matter what the weather,
holding down a full-time job, and then to be knocked out by
influenza when I was at the peak of my performance ... I was
shattered. I just could not go on," he told me.

I tried to talk him out of it, saying that at 27 he was
pretty young. However, he was very angry that fate and
illness had denied him his moment in destiny. He was
convinced that he had nothing left to give. In Tokyo, it was
a now or never moment for him. He knew he did nothing wrong.
He blamed his bad luck in falling ill. He felt abandoned by
the gods. He was so very angry about it especially since he
wanted to win an Olympic medal for the people of Kenya and
his own family.

PHOTOS: Training on the sands of beaches in Mombasa, Kenya.
The world famous photo set up by Akhtar Hussein from
the Nation newspaper.
The backdrop was provided by the Nairobi National Park. The
photo went "viral".
His fans at Nairobi Embakasi Airport get a glimpse of the
gold medals.

He knew he had a medal within his grasp and it had been
cruelly snatched away from the running track.

This is what he told any other reporter who asked him the
same question: "I had had enough of it. In Tokyo, I fell ill
on the eve of the opening ceremony. That was it. All my hard
work had gone. I wanted to win some sort of Olympic medal and
I was favoured to win something. I was fed up with training
for six days a week. Eight years. Top class at four or five
events. It is not easy. You get fed up."

          In 1965 he decided to migrate to England. He had
          given a lot of thought to moving to Melbourne,
          Australia. He had been there a couple of times and
          loved the lifestyle and the people. However, most
          of his friends were in London so he decided to move

He told an Australian newspaper: "I had a great time in
Melbourne," he said. "I stayed at the Parkville Motel (in
Royal Parade). Judy Patching (the Melbourne Olympic starter)
was our manager for the trip. I met John Landy, Ron Clarke,
Herb Elliott -- all the Australians. I went down to Percy
Cerutty's camp at Portsea."

PHOTO: An unforgettable moment for Alu Mendonca: the day he
almost beat the great Seraphino Antao at the Railway Goan

Antao even dropped into an interclub meeting at Dolamore
Reserve in Mentone. It was a typical summer day -- a hot
northerly, followed by a southerly change and downpour. Peter
Fortune, Cathy Freeman's coach and then an interclub sprinter
for Brighton, recalls how the Brighton boys were amazed and
delighted to find the fastest man in the Commonwealth seeking
shelter in their tent.

In London, he took a coaching course, had a clothes' stall in
a busy market but returned to clerical work before being
struck down with cancer. He left this earth without any
fanfare and there was some criticism of the family that they
could have done more to honour his memory at the funeral.
However, it was clearly Seraphino's wish that he wanted to
leave this world with the least amount of fuss.

At a glance ...

October 30,1937: Born in Makadara, Mombasa. First of six
siblings born to Diego Manuel and Anna Maria Antao who hailed
from Chandor in Goa.

Studied at the Goan High School (now Mombasa High School)
where he discovered his athletic prowess, participated in
several sprint events and was a

Antao receiving the World Helms Trophy awarded to
the outstanding athlete in each of the six continents.
member of the Achilles Athletic Club.

1956: Participated in the East African Railways and Harbours
annual athletics carnival and easily won the sprint double.

1957: Competed at the National Competitions in Nairobi and
broke the national records in the 100 and 220 yards.

1958: International debut when he participated in the
Commonwealth (Empire) Games in Cardiff, Wales, reaching the
quarterfinals in 100 yards.

1960: Participated in the Rome Olympics, and reached the
semi-finals of 100m and quarterfinals of the 200m.

1961: East and Central Africa championships winner in 100m
and 200m.

Antao showing his medals to folks in Nairobi including
legendary goalkeeper Oscar D'Mello (right).

1962: Double gold winner at the 1962 Commonwealth Games in
Perth, Australia, clocking 9.5 seconds in the 100 yards and
21.1 seconds in the 220 yards, and becoming Kenya's first
gold medalist. With Wilson Kiprugut arap Chuma, Kimaru Songok
and Peter Francis, attempted the 4x400 yards relay but
finished fifth. In the same year, he won the sprint double at
the British AAA Championships.

1963: Won his second set of double gold medals at the East
and Central Africa championships in the 100m and 200m and in
the same year, ran in the internationally renowned meet in
Zurich and clocked 10.5 sec on the 100m, and won a double
gold in the Czechoslovakia Championships in Prague.

1964: The first flag bearer for the newly independent
nation-state of Kenya at the Tokyo Olympics, a task usually
given to the top athlete in the team and a medal favourite.
Unfortunately, he fell ill and was not able to run and handed
the flag bearer duties to his friend the legendary Kipchoge

The four, perhaps the fastest Goans at the time:
Seraphino Antao, Pascoal Antao, Joe Faria, Albert Castanha.
Congratulated by his father Diego Manuel.
Welcome home, "golden" Son, at Mombasa Railway Station.
Antao heading into the main Perth Stadium 1962.
Antao beating Armin Harry in the early rounds in Rome 1960,
Harry won gold.
Antao relaxing in Perth Australia after a training session.
Seraphino's brother Rosario with his mother and siblings.
Antao sportsman of the year congratulated by
Sports Editor Tom Clarke and Editor Boaz Omori.
The Achilles Athletic Club formed in Mombasa is seen in a
1956 photograph with the many trophies that its members won.
They are (back row, standing, from left) Albert Castanha,
Pascoal Antao, Laura Ramos, Ray Batchelor (coach), Phila
Fernandes, Juanita Noronha, Alfred Vianna, Seraphino Antao.
(Front row, from left) Joe Faria, Alcino Rodrigues, Jack
Fernandes, Bruno D'Souza.
Seraphino's last resting place, a cemetery in Lewisham

1964: Formally retired from athletics.

1965: Awarded the Helms Trophy, which honours the foremost
amateur athlete in each continent by the US Helms Athletics

1965: Migrated to the United Kingdom.
September 6, 2011: Passed away after a battle with cancer.

* Albert Castanha -- The greatest Goan all-round sports star.
* The Best of Mombasa Institute.
* The Evolution of Goan Sports in Uganda.
* The Trojans of Kenya Hockey.
* Goan Institute, Nairobi.
* UK: The Migrants of Sport
* The Spartans Athletics Club, Nairobi.
* Nairobi Railway Goan Institute.
* An entire section on the Goan musicians in East Africa.

* * *

[The above extract isfrom Cyprian "Skip" Fernandes'
just-released 280-page book Goan sportspersons and musicians
in East Africa. Copies are available in Canada, UK, Australia
and Goa. See ]

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