Where has the old Goa gone?
February 6, 2021, 12:39 PM IST

Shobhaa De in Straight Talk, Lifestyle,
TOI [The Times of India]

One of India's most popular
writers, Shobhaa De has seen it
all: life as a model, a
copywriter, a journalist, a
socialite, a scriptwriter, a
bestselling novelist and a busy
mother of six children.
"Straight Talk", which has been
appearing as a column in The
Times of India, carries her
sharp observations on politics,
society, economy and

A week in gorgeous Goa, and I have returned with my batteries
recharged, feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.  Goa does that
to us old-timers, who have been visiting this jewel of a
destination for more than three decades.  So, what has
changed and what hasn't, you might ask.

Here's the downside first -- Goa has been turned into
Gurgaon.  I swear!  I hardly met or saw, much less spoke to,
any Goans.  Where have they all fled?  Are they in hiding?

Come on...  What is Goa without the loveable Goans?  As of
now, it has become an extension of Delhi -- some areas are
like those Delhi enclaves. Goa is infested! One mainly
hears conversations in Punjabi/ Hindi/ Haryanavi everywhere.

The posher Goan villages are swamped with Richie rich
Dilliwallahs, who live the Golf Links life as if they have
never left the Capital!  Some of them ain't going back!

          They've survived the pandemic in style here, bought
          property, discovered beaches...  and...  and each
          other!  They hang out only with other Dilliwallahs,
          party together and generally carry on like they are
          still in Mehrauli/Chattarpur, enjoying the good
          life at half the cost!

Imagine arriving at super casual Goan beach shacks in
designer wear! Shudder! Ladies totter around on high heels,
with fancy shades kept on indoors, while their men strut
about swigging local craft beer and discussing deals at full
volume.  Khan Market comes to Mapusa == as it were!

And Goans are not amused. They'd just about managed to get
rid of the menacing Russians and Israelis -- and now this
onslaught!  The upside to the invaders from up North is that
a sluggish economy is bouncing back gradually -- after all,
Goa attracts more tourists than almost any other state in

Along popular routes which once boasted of charming organic
cafes, one sees versions of Punjabi dhabas offering chhole
bature, naans, tandoori roti and butter chicken.  Most of the
five-star hotels are completely booked by 'Northerners', who
refuse to eat the absolutely scrumptious Goan cuisine and
demand stuffed parathas at ungodly hours.

One frustrated chef held his head in despair as he mentioned
the constant request for all things ‘karaari'.  Heavens!
Kids ask for ‘karaari omelettes', he groaned, "This is really
too much -- my boys cannot manage."

All those charming boutiques which used to sell floaty cotton
kaftans and beach wraps, now stock fake designer wear from
China -- shiny gowns and blingy outfits of the dodgiest kind.

          The Delhi memsaabs have super imposed their own
          ‘look' on unsuspecting locals, who are totally
          bewildered by the ‘brands' parading around or
          spilling out of SUV's, with nannies clad in Madam's
          last season's discards.  Flashy new clubs and
          restaurants have sprung up across Goa, with only a
          few well-kept secrets, which attract a certain kind
          of visitor.  The only music floating over the waves
          is bhangra, with blinding lasers criss crossing the
          sky over weekends.

Despite this daunting scenario, there are still far too many
wonderful aspects of life in Goa, which have steadfastly
remained the same over the years. It's just getting harder
and harder to experience them!

We were lucky that we met extraordinarily kind and loving
people, particularly the affable GM of the Taj Fort Aguada
and the ever-popular Taj Village. Anmol Ahuluwalia, you
deserve a huge shout out for all your marvellous efforts with
local communities during these past few, very tough months!

His was the only hotel that managed to stay open during the
lockdown, and his approach was honest and simple; he told
whosoever called asking for help and shelter to come and stay
with him. "Pay us whatever you can afford, and we will share
with you whatever we have in stock." Stranded foreign and
Indian tourists, embassy personnel, others who had run out of
food and funds and basics -- they knew they had a home at the
hotel with heart.

          Getting back to Mumbai felt good...  and a bit
          blah, too.  It was only when I realised how I take
          aamchi Mumbai so much for granted, and how fabulous
          our city is, that Goa receded a little -- only a
          little.  I plan to watch Bombay to Goa over the
          weekend...  and revisit a few exceptional memories
          of this amazing Goan getaway.


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