This essay is from the book 'Goa: Aparanta
-- Land Beyond the End', edited by
Victor Rangel Ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and reflects Dr Eddie D'Sa's analysis of
Goans in Britain, and how their attitudes
towards Goa have changed generation by
generation. "In Britain, Feeling a Weaker
Pull" (pages 210-12) is a very wise bit
of writing, commented the editor of this book.

By Eddie D'Sa

Goans who have settled in the UK are not a homogeneous group,
but the product of three different migration streams -- from
India, Pakistan, and East Africa.

Small batches of Goans came from India in the 1950s and early
1960s -- some were students who stayed on, others just sought
a new life in Britain after India's independence in 1947.

More might have come, but the Commonwealth Immigrants Act
1962 passed during Tory rule took away the right of
Commonwealth immigrants to enter Britain freely. William
Deedes, Minister without Portfolio at the time, admitted:
"The Bill's real purpose was to restrict the influx of
coloured immigrants from the Caribbean and Indian
subcontinent. We were reluctant to say as much openly." It
was the first overt act of state racism.

The major wave of arrivals from East Africa came in the 1960s
and 1970s.  When Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania became
independent, many middle-tier jobs filled by Asians were
'Africanised', and Asians found themselves unemployed. Rather
than take local citizenship, most British passport holders
opted to settle in Britain.

The influx began in earnest in the mid-1960s.  Alarmed, the
Labour government in just three days rushed through the
Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1968, denying automatic right of
entry to British Asian passport holders -- a second
unashamedly racist piece of legislation.

A strict quota or queue system was imposed; only those born
in Britain or having a British parent or grandparent had the
right to enter freely. When, in 1972, Uganda's President Amin
expelled British Asians, Britain was forced to accept several
thousands of them, but entry into Britain was largely
confined to the spouses and other dependents of settlers.

          Between 15,000 and 20,000 Goans are concentrated in
          the greater London area, with a few thousand more
          in Leicester, and pockets in various other towns.
          Several have attained prominence in public service,
          among them Keith Vaz, Labour member of parliament
          for Leicester East, a constituency with more
          Gujeratis than Goans.  He was more in the public
          eye as Minister for Europe until he resigned in
          2001.  Susan Rodrigues, formerly of Uganda, is
          probably the first Goan Director of Education in
          Scotland.  In 1996, Joe D'Cruz, formerly a train
          driver in Kenya, became the first Goan mayor of
          Fishguard and Goodwick, a district in Wales.

Other success stories: Patricia Rozario has won international
fame as a soprano and the foremost interpreter of music by
the widely respected English composer, John Tavener.  Warren
Noronha, aged 27, is an acclaimed London fashion designer.
Stephen Dias, born in Karachi, is managing director at the
top international investment bank, Goldman & Sachs.  Lyndon
Da Cruz, formerly of Kenya, is consultant at Moorfields Eye
Hospital, London, world renowned for its treatment of eye

Millionaires Tom and Melba Correia, formerly of Kenya and
Uganda, who ran the tour operator firm, Hayes & Jarvis (now
sold), still own a chain of hotels in Kenya and the
Caribbean. Less well-known millionaire Denzyl Sequeira,
formerly of Mombasa, has excelled in business computer sales
and consultancy.

          A few such personalities aside, the community is
          not much in the public eye.  However, lack of
          public exposure should not blind us to the
          anonymous thousands of Goans who make a living in
          the humbler trades and occupations -- and in the
          process contribute to keeping Britain going.


Before we come to what attitudes prevail and how others
change, let's look at a simplified model of the Goan
community as it developed over three decades -- the 1970s,
80s, and 90s.

Decade 1:  The 1970s were a period of cautious adjustment to
the British scene.

Migration had reached its peak.  Youngsters, getting their
taste of British education, were exposed to peer pressures
and the rampant indiscipline in state schools, including
bullying and intimidation.  Young adults were keen to acquire
more qualifications and skills for the job market.

Families were moving and adjusting to their new homes, new
neighbours, and consumerist mores. This was the decade when
Goans soon discovered the pervasive environment of
discrimination and racism -- at school, in the workplace, and
in public places.

Decade 2: The 1980s were a period of consolidation.  A high
proportion of Goans now owned their own home; older adults
felt more settled; young adults had acquired new skills or
training in their chosen line of work; and a new breed of
Goan youth emerged, mostly born in the UK.

They were informed, aware, articulate, not afraid to question
parents---and culturally ambivalent.  Cracks began appearing
within the traditional family structure -- from
non-conforming youth, unorthodox live-in arrangements, and
working wives savouring their financial independence.

Decade 3: The 1990s became a period for sober reflection and
critical assessment of our culture and place in British
society.  The original immigrants of the 1960s and early 70s
had aged considerably and had either retired or were
approaching retirement.

          Marriage breakups were on the rise and accepted;
          the elderly were experiencing a measure of
          loneliness and rejection; many remained nostalgic,
          yearning for 'the good old days.' At the same time,
          a general lack of community leadership was evident.
          The older Goan associations organised endless
          dances, and little more.  Religious observance
          declined.  Those born in the UK soon fell captive
          to local influences; while there was more mixing
          with other communities (mostly Asian and black),
          ties with Goa were loosening.

Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes surveyed Catholic Goans  as part of
her thesis for her doctorate at the University of London.  A
broader but still limited survey that I conducted in 1996
sought to learn about the opinions, attitudes, beliefs, and
values held by UK Goans on major issues.  The questionnaire
was distributed to subscribers of the Goan Digest, to Goans
at village and other socials, and to members of the GoaNet
mailing list.  This meant that many others not covered by
these outlets were unaware of the survey.

Some 78 percent of the respondents said they "feel a sense of
belonging and loyalty to Goa." Of those who said they did
not, eight percent were non-Goan spouses or half-Goan
children over 16; the remaining 14 percent were Goans, mostly
in the 20-49 age range.  The reasons: either they had little
direct contact with Goa, or Goa was irrelevant to their lives
in the West. They had either not been to Goa at all or had
visited the place more than two years earlier.


The majority agreed that our traditional values (of mutual
support through the extended family, respect for elders,
etc.) are breaking down overseas due to a decline in
religious and parental authority and the dominating influence
of consumerism and the media.

Most respondents claimed to be Roman Catholic but a small
number (eight) also had Buddhist leanings.  Nearly half of
respondents above 50 said they had joined a Goan association.

Others, especially the younger people, didn't feel the need
for an association, or were dissatisfied with existing ones,
or could not find one in their vicinity.  Most felt that
associations need to move beyond get-togethers and link up
with non-Goan organisations.  Most felt closer to the village
association than to a general community association.

          Many claimed to enjoy social interaction with other
          Indians, Pakistanis, or Sri Lankans. A few claimed
          they knew Irish or non-Anglo whites, Caribbeans, or
          Chinese. Surprisingly, most also had no objection
          to Goans marrying whites or any other group --
          suggesting a shift to more tolerant attitudes in
          recent years.

A surprising number (about half) in all age groups candidly
admitted to having experienced racism, usually in the form of
a jibe or verbal abuse in a public place.  At work, one could
be marginalised or promotion denied or delayed.  A smaller
number (all males) claimed to have been physically attacked,
resulting in some injury.  Most of those who had suffered
racism knew where to complain.


Although we live in an urban, ultra-modern society and are
here to stay, our get-togethers still echo the traditional
practices of a rural or village community.

Goans in London take village feasts seriously -- the season
kicks off with the Saligao feast held on the first Sunday of
May. The format never changes: Mass at noon followed
immediately by a 6-8 hour period of dances, relieved only by
an intermission when the chairperson makes a speech, food is
served and enjoyed, and next year's committee is elected at
an ad hoc meeting.  Drinks help fuel the festive spirit.  The
aim may be to meet and greet, but the din from the band makes
it hard to converse. Curiously, any developments in that
village in Goa over the last 12 months are not reported, so
there is little to distinguish one village function from another.

The Goan (Overseas) Association was founded in the early
1970s and has organised an unvarying programme of dances over
the decades.  Its clubhouse in Kent was burnt down a few
years ago (some blamed the local racists) and the grounds
were sold off.

As a result, the Association possesses substantial funds but
no new physical premises -- nor a new vision.  A slimmed down
version of the old social programme continues -- the main
event being the annual day-long get-together ('festival') on
hired school grounds in the last Sunday of July.  It draws a
thousand or more Goans from far and wide but with no thought
provoking agenda, the crowds simply meander about the grounds
-- pausing at food or lucky-dip stalls, imbibing at the bar,
standing to listen to some impromptu songs and skits.  It is
a pity that the occasion is not also used to monitor the
community's shifting views and concerns.  This, in my view,
is a lost opportunity.

Ugandan Goans have formed two bodies: the Uganda Reunion and
Bakuli Reunion (a bakuli is a cooking vessel in Swahili).

They share a common memory of the old days as well as the
trauma of expulsion by Amin. Commemoration is in the form of
an annual dance (preceded by Mass). Ugandan motifs decorate
the hall and Ugandan produce (alcoholic beverage and bananas)
is on sale.

Two London-based groups promote Goan music, dance, and drama.

The Goan Musical Society holds an annual concert with
singing, dancing, and instrumentals, as well as short comedy
skits.  Performances are in English, Konkani, and Portuguese.
The Goan Cultural Society organises Konkani tiatr
performances once or twice a year in London and in one or two
other cities.  Children are encouraged to sing in Konkani.
Smaller groups include the Goan Community Centre in North
London and the Young London Goan Society.


 FOOTNOTE: Goanet completes 14 years of cyber-networking on
August  25, 2008. We thank all our readers for being with us
on this unique journey in alternative, not-for-profit  cyber
  communications and helping build this list to what it is.
   Volunteers are always welcome, send some of your time,
              energies and ideas this way!

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