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 30 Minutes: Drug den Goa | Blame Fiona? | Ugly side

 Karn Kowshik / CNN-IBN

 TimePublished on Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 21:46, Updated at Sat, Apr 12,
 2008 in Nation section

 TagsTags: 30 Minutes, Scarlette Keeling
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 OPEN SECRET: From police to politicians to the peddlers - everyone in
 Goa is secretly candid about the drug business.

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 Goa Police to probe how Scarlette got drugs

 According to the cops, Scarlette was given cocaine and ecstasy by
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 The body of British teenager Scarlette Keeling was found on Goa's
 Anjuna beach two months ago. But after all the promises of a crackdown
 on drugs made by the Goa government and police, a CNN-IBN special
 investigation finds nothing really has changed.

 The team went undercover and got on camera peddlers at work, shack
 owners confessing to things being no different than the day the
 tragedy took place, policemen who have run out of ideas, and
 politicians who play to the galleries but strangely are not becoming
 agents of change

 So, what lies beyond these images of lazy sunbathing tourists? A
 CNN-IBN Special Investigation found Anjuna remains Goa's drug-den.

 At Ingo's night market at Parra, everyone points to Anjuna as being
 the state's drug den."You can get it at Anjuna," said a shopkeeper.

 Our decoy, a French lady, reaches Anjuna beach. Goa beaches are
 crawling with drug traffickers.

 If you are a foreigner, sooner or later, peddlers will approach you
 with drugs. Among the many shops, bars and shacks, we choose Roy's

 The owner approaches.

 Peddler: Hi.

 CNN-IBN: Hello.

 Peddler: How are you ?

 CNN-IBN: Fine...and you ?

 He reveals he can supply the team drugs. A deal is struck for 10 grams
 of hashish.

 "You can go ask the Kashmiri there, he will say 2,500. You go and ask
 right now. You come with me. I'll go further, you ask him - 'do you
 have some stuff'. He will say, yes, 2500," the peddler says.

 He also lets us know harder drugs are available. Pointing to a girl,
 he says, "That girl sitting there, she just took cocaine."

 The next day, the SIT gives him a shopping list.

 Peddler: LSD, cocaine, what do you want?

 CNN-IBN: Just give me the prices.

 Peddler: Two minutes, just give me 2 minutes


 Minutes later, he returns with the price list.

 Peddler: Eight and five, (Rs) 800 each for Ecstasy and (Rs) 500 for LSD.

 CNN-IBN: And cocaine you said was 3.5?

 But this peddler was at the bottom of the drug supply chain. So SIT
 decided to move up the ladder.

 Outside Paradiso, a popular nightclub in Anjuna, the team was told to
 meet a dealer named Daniel.

 CNN-IBN: You have ecstasy ?

 Daniel: Ya ! Ecstasy, cocaine, MDMA, LSD.

 CNN-IBN: How much is it ?

 Daniel: (Rs) 500

 CNN-IBN: For one tablet ?

 Daniel: For one tablet.

 CNN-IBN: Cocaine, how much ?

 Daniel: (Rs) 3,500.

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