----- Original Message -----
From: Floriano Lobo
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 9:09 PM
Subject: IFFI Advantages :By Sandeep Heble (NT Cybervoices) - COMMENTS: By
Floriano Lobo (goasuraj)

Navhindtimes, 4 April 2004
IFFI Advantages : By Sandeep Heble
Floriano Lobo in his post titled "problems related to IFFI", which appeared
in The Navhind Times dated March 30, commits the cardinal sin of raking up a
few disadvantages (some of them imaginary) associated with the film festival
whist ignoring the huge benefits a festival of this kind can have for Goa
and its citizens.
Endowed with natural beaches and scenic nature, Goa has always been a
tourist's  paradise. Of  late though, the growth rate in the tourism sector
has been marginal and other states are fast catching up with Goa. In fact,
states like Kerala have surged ahead and reasons for this are not difficult
to comprehend. The modern tourist is a more demanding one. He has various
choices at his disposal and Goa, apart from its natural beauty, has very
little to offer to cater to his  wants and needs.
In a world fascinated with fame and celebrity, it comes as no surprise to
find that films have consistently influenced travel decisions. The Hindi
film Ek Duje Ke liye was credited with sending a huge wave of tourists to
our state. If films enable countries and regions to leverage the visibility
that they provide and boost their tourism potential, a film festival
promises much more.
The IFFI thus is a mountain of opportunity for Goa and Goans. It can bring
substantial benefits in terms of jobs and income, and support for a wider
choice of services and facilities that would otherwise be viable. While the
boom in the tourism sector will be unimaginable, there are bound to be
spin-offs in other areas too. Theatres, airlines, restaurants, hotels,
consumer shops, travel agencies and construction houses are just some of the
related businesses that can experience a huge growth. Investment in basic
infrastructure too will grow at a fast and rapid  pace. Mr Parrikar has
shown the vision and the wisdom of a statesman by adopting policies that
promise to give a big boost to Goa's tourism sector. The IFFI is bound to
transform Goa into one of the hottest destinations in the World. With Mr.
Parrikar in the helm, Goa is certainly in for major development
Sandeep Heble seems to have analyzed the advantages and the disadvantages of
the IFFI to be held permanently in Goa, more so in the City of Panjim and
has come to the conclusion that the advantages weigh far more than the
disadvantages. And if that is so, then I have no quarrel with him. But I am
very uncomfortable with his assessment of Mr. Parrikar  when he says " with
Mr. Parrikar in the helm, Goa is certainly in for major development
advancements"  That makes Mr. Parrikar a man with a vision for Goa, the "I
KNOW IT ALL" syndrome.
We know from history that Adolf Hitler was a man with a vision for Germany.
And Germans acknowledged and accepted his leadership that would make Germany
the leader of the  entire world at whatever cost. But they failed to see
that he was consumed with hatred for the Jews. And  it took just one man of
courage and perseverance in Winston Churchill of Great Britain to break the
back of Hitler's Germany  along with its Italian and Japanese allies.
A leader with a vision must have the people behind him. When it comes to
Manohar Parrikar, the only people who are behind him are the people with
vested interests and his RSS goons. May it be his  few  self-centered
colleagues in the government or the contractors and government officials
with vested interests. But definitely not the people at large. This has been
shown through the exercise of the City of Panjim Corporation Bill, Miramar
Beach Privatization, Campal trees, and now the IFFI. When a  visionary
leader fails the people, his and his coterie's fate is marked. The examples
are a plenty. Herr Hitler had to shoot himself in the head to disappear from
the scene . The bodies of Italy's Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clarette
Petacci were hanged and spat on in public square in Milan after their
execution.  Nicolae Ceausescu of Rumania and his wife Elenor   faced a
machine gun squad.  Ferdinand Marcos of Phillipines had to  sneak out  like
a fatigued dog to an exile in Guam.  The latest is Saddam Hussein of Iraq
who was fished out of a hole in the ground after his overthrow. This is the
ultimate  fate of dictators  who believe in nothing and everything.
Dear Mr. Sandeep Heble, should I continue to name more dictators who have
been trampled by the people ???
The IFFI is  a 10 day programme in a year of 365 days,  and the euphoria
surrounding it in a small vested interest's circle versus the prohibiting
costs does not justify the ends. Besides, Manohar Parrikar is using the IFFI
as an excuse to unleash on Goa the cultural destabilization that only the
RSS mind can imagine. He has failed in the Miramar Beach Privatization
programme. He wants to succeed by hook or by crook in IFFIing Panjim.
"Floriano Lobo  commits  the cardinal sin of raking up a few disadvantages
(some of them imaginary" you say??  Imaginary or not, they are all there in
Manohar Parrikar's 37 page Budget speech delivered to the Legislative
Assembly. People of Goa are no fools to be led by the RSS and its
brainwashed ideology. People of Goa will not fall prey to these lucrative
machinations. There are other more pressing priorities. But they seem to be
pushed to the bottom. Only time will tell as to who is making a "Cardinal
You say "The modern tourist is a more demanding one".
The home lessons that we have learnt  well  remind us  to entertain the
guests who  visit us in our  homes as according to our capacity and
capability. If we borrowed until our necks stretched to entertain the one
day visiting guests, then that would be highly immoral and suicidal. And
this is exactly what Manohar Parrikar is doing.
Floriano Lobo

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